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I purchased new speakers for my 87'VR :sign woo hoo:and was hoping that someone who has info on the removal of the old speakers could shed some light on the easiest way to get those little buggers out!:confused24: I would be grateful for any help.


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Long way-take off both side panels. Advantage is you can check wiring and fit the new speakers modifying things as needed.


Short way- remove the turn signals and work on the hardware by feel. Advantage is short time and less problems with the plastic.


I use the long way. Often the replacement speakers need the leads modified or a bit of adjustment to the speaker guards to make sure the fit is good. I used a set of Clarion's. I found the lead attachment needed to be tweaked to drop the speakers through the hole.

Once the radio is out (key lock disconnected), take out the radio base screws and turn that panel to drop it through the main panel. Then you can pull the main panel off. The screw at the base of the windshield is a bugger. I use a right angle handle for a phillips bit. Hold onto the speaker grill area as the weight of the speakers is hanging off unsupported plastic.



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Just curious........what kind of speakers did you get. I found a set of 4" that would fit fine but they were rated at 125 watts. Not enough power to drive those puppies.


And lonestarmedic is right. The long way is the best way to get to them for a change out. Be careful not to scratch the grills like I did. The paint comes off real easy. I was going to give them a quick rattle can touch up but they have the speaker cloth behind them so that was out. A small paint brush ended up being the weapon of choice.


And lonestar......you happy with the Clarions?

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Speaker rating is not how much is needed, but how much they can take before they turn into smoke.


the set I have are rated at 350 watts (yeah right they are) and they sound great with the 12 watts the stock amp actually puts out.


As for getting "waterproof" if you want them, buy them at a marine store. I buy the Pyle coaxial speaker that are poly cone and rubber surround. If I have to replace them every 3 years, I'll not feel bad at $19.99 a pair, and they sound 100X better than the stock speakers.

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I am very happy with the Clarion speakers. They are a poly speaker with a coaxial tweeter. I find the entire range is improved. Funny thing, the tweeters are aimed just right. The focal point of the sound is right at my ears. The music almost sounds like it is coming from my headset speakers! I paid about $25.00 for them on Flea-Bay.



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I don't remember if they are screws, or bolts, but remove the turn signal len's and you can get them out. I think two fasteners on each one.


I did NOT remove the upper fairings to get them out. It is a bit tricky though. Stay calm thru the process.


If you still have those air vents installed , you may have to remove them. I had previously taken them out before the speaker change.

They are now in the junk box !! ( permanently ) ( the air vents that is )

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