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Pentagon under attack


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Looks like the Pentagon has taken a hit. Whats more destructive then a nuclear bomb? It's CYBER WARFARE. Who is next? Wall Street? Banks? Power Grid? Can we live without a computer?The only reason I have anything or you is because some computer says so.

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Haven't heard anything about it lately, but a couple of weeks ago, they were reporting on FoxNews, that there was serious suspicion that some of what was going on with the DOW was late day cyber manipulation of the market! There are plenty of tech-savvy countries that can and would do that & worse if they had the opportunity. Ditto, the Pentagon! A couple of far East Asian countries come to mind (actually one really big one).


What did they expect? They let all the computer companies farm out services (& knowledge) overseas; some of the city & county governments farm their stuff out overseas; they don't really enforce laws for non-export and it would be hard to do anyway. Sometimes I wonder if they could stop one of the spies from Mad magazine!


There's a point, beyond which, the globalist BS mentality comes back to bite you in the backside! (I think we blew the red-light)


Then again, there is an awful lot of very public to-do about a breach that the public never should have been made aware of, in the first place! What's the saying? "Methinks they doth protest too much"! So, maybe, the gov. remembered what dis-information is and are trying their hand at it.....You can bet your bippy, that we in the peanut gallery, will likely never know the real truth...and frankly, the ONLY thing I truly want to know about it, is that they know EXACTLY what happened, fixed it and took "steps" to prevent anything similar from happening again! (they know who and "disappeared" them!)



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All military networks are under constant attack of some kind 24x7. Its the new electronic warfare. As a matter of fact I don't think there's a machine that has not been attacked one way or another. That's why you have to have at least basic protection such as firewalls and AV's.

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Guest Oldsalt

For the past two weeks my PC has been under attack from a site in China. Thanks to a very tight firewall and some 'snooping' software, I have learned a lot about them. When I talked to the athorities, they blew me off and didn't see a problem. I did take matters into my own hands (and that remains confidential) and convinced the perps to stop.


If you do not run a good a top notch firewall, get one is my recommendation. Windows' firewall doesn't fall into that category. Zone Alarm Pro is a good popular one and there are others out there. Together with a good Anti-virus program and a good anti-spyware program you should be able to handle all but the most determined folks. And if you run into them, then you obviously have better things on your PC than I do:big-grin-emoticon:.


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Gerald, did you happen to see Die Hard 4.0 ??


If not, watch that Movie and see what's possible. I'm far away from saying this will happen, but it could.




Besides that, i just love Bruce Willis, but this Time he wasn't covered with his own Blood 10 Minutes after the Story began. It took more than 30 Minutes, which makes me think John McLane is getting weak over the Years.

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Just last night our CBC presented that cyber warfare story on the DOC ZONE.


Bottom line...the internet was never designed for what society is using it for. Designed for information sharing; being used for trade and commerce.

Cheers to Venturerider.org for using the Net as it was meant to be used.

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Just last night our CBC presented that cyber warfare story on the DOC ZONE.


Bottom line...the internet was never designed for what society is using it for. Designed for information sharing; being used for trade and commerce.

Cheers to Venturerider.org for using the Net as it was meant to be used.



I understand what you're saying, but think about it....trade & commerce IS information sharing, albeit a bit lopsided. The problem is that it was never anticipated to get this big and the architecture of the system as a whole can't cope! IMHO :soapbox:

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Gerald, did you happen to see Die Hard 4.0 ??


If not, watch that Movie and see what's possible. I'm far away from saying this will happen, but it could.




Besides that, i just love Bruce Willis, but this Time he wasn't covered with his own Blood 10 Minutes after the Story began. It took more than 30 Minutes, which makes me think John McLane is getting weak over the Years.


Nah, just a leetle more cautious...

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i don't know much about computers but I use linux as an operating system and ubuntu as an interface and I really like it. The man who does my computer work says for now I'll be pretty safe as far as viruses and other things we don't want on our computers because most of that stuff is designed to work through windows. There are thousands of free programs avalible for ubuntu and so far I really like it. You can get a copy here for free http://www.ubuntu.com/

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For the past two weeks my PC has been under attack from a site in China. Thanks to a very tight firewall and some 'snooping' software, I have learned a lot about them. When I talked to the athorities, they blew me off and didn't see a problem. I did take matters into my own hands (and that remains confidential) and convinced the perps to stop.


If you do not run a good a top notch firewall, get one is my recommendation. Windows' firewall doesn't fall into that category. Zone Alarm Pro is a good popular one and there are others out there. Together with a good Anti-virus program and a good anti-spyware program you should be able to handle all but the most determined folks. And if you run into them, then you obviously have better things on your PC than I do:big-grin-emoticon:.



Or get a Mac! I do not let my one remaining Windows computer direct access to the internet.

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