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How much is too much, how little is tooo litlte


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On the fork oil thought.

What happens if you put too little oil in the forks, and how much too little is not enough, and what happens when there isn't enough, or the other way around, what happens if you have too much and how much is too much and what happens if there is too much?

Exactly what does fork oil do? and how does all that work?

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Guest ReinyRooster

Carl, the way I understand it, when you put your fork into the salad and the oil sticks to the fork, it's too much oil.:rotf::rotf::cool10:

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Carl, the way I understand it, when you put your fork into the salad and the oil sticks to the fork, it's too much oil.:rotf::rotf::cool10:

I'm gonna tell Don about you. Here a guy posts a perfectly interesting question, something everybody is dieing to hear the answer to and you go and make fun of me. I feel totally depressed, took me all day to get the words right and the courage to write it all down and now I get this for an answer, and I don't even like oil in my salad.

Now back to the real meat of things. What's bad about having the wrong amount of oil in your salad,,,,, uhhmmm forks.

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if you overfilled the Forklegs, the Fork will not have the complete Amount of Travel and feels very hard, especially in compress Way. It will come to block too early.


if you underfill, the damping won't work proper, both Ways, Compress and Rebound will not have enough Oil for doing the Job right. On the End of the Compress Way(upwards), the Fork will run heavy in the Block-Stoppers.


what does the Oil do ?

The Oil is the Medium, which is run through some Valves by the Travel of the Legs. Those Valves are reducing the Oilflow and by that, smoothen the Travel of the Legs.



Just a short Version, if i'm wrong please correct me

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If you use Air-Pressure in the Fork, there should not be that much difference, but if no Airpressure is in the Game, it can happen that the Legs go on block while compressing. As for the dampening Part, it should work.


Best would be, if you fill up the Legs to the proper Level.

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