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Chicago riders to MX Day?


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Dumb question: what and where is MX Day?

Futureventures, Are you coming with us to Don's? Rearrange your schedule. It will be an experience to remember. They can help you with any problem. (with your bike)

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Futureventures, Are you coming with us to Don's? Rearrange your schedule. It will be an experience to remember. They can help you with any problem. (with your bike)


Man, I wish.

X is outta town and kids have soccer games both days. So I'm stuck in Chi-town for the weekend, dang it. This woulda been cool.

Maybe could get my radio fixed while there too!

Next year, fer sure.


Otherwise, lemme know when/if Chicagoland folks are going for a ride.


Have a nice trip!

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Last Few Hours at work before I get Home, to finish packing and Get ready for tomorow. Bike is already all set and ready for take off. Bough a can of see foam just to run trough carbs while riding. All Pumped Up and Bearly Can Wait To see all of you Gal's And Guys.

Wish Jerry and Jane can Join us..... maybe next time.


Ride Safe and seeya sun

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kevin.....we don't look to reach SB til about 10. we r not makin good time pullin the trailer and its really windy. been trying to stay at 65 mph cause faster we were blastin thru the gas. I am logged in on my phone...dont ya luv it...lol

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kevin.....we don't look to reach SB til about 10. we r not makin good time pullin the trailer and its really windy. been trying to stay at 65 mph cause faster we were blastin thru the gas. I am logged in on my phone...dont ya luv it...lol


Hope you made it before too late. If you want to make it to Crackerbarrel, it's at the Elkhart exit off of 80/90, Exit 92. Straight across from the exit. Maybe we'll see you there.

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