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V Max vaccuum lines on 1st Gen?

geezer glide

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I was fumbling through last night and found something about changing the vac. line on 1st Gen to match V max. It's supposed to help with low end by equalizing vaccuum between cylinders... or something like that.


Does anybody know where to find this thread or the info of which I ask????


Thanx much!!

GG :confused:

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I wonder if what you're talking about is the so called "Jason Mod". The idea is to use a short section of vacuum line to connect the front and rear intake boots together through the vacuum ports used for syncing the carbs, and it can be done on any Venture or Royal Star, not just the 1st gen. Jason thinks that this emulates the V boost system from the V Max. The fact is that the V boost passages are 32mm in diameter, and little 1/8" vacuum lines connected to the sync ports can't flow enough air and fuel to do anything more than make the engine act like it has a vacuum leak and idle rough. It does nothing for power or gas mileage. If you'd like to have a rough idle, then try it out. But don't expect any miracles otherwise.


Jason Mod = Joke.

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I looked around for some time trying to find that thread--- with no luck (theres A LOT of usefull info on this site!!!!!)


After reading the whole thread ( with a clear head ) I think I'm going to pass seeing how several posts- including yours- went back to stock after trying it.


However- I do thank you for your help!!!!!!!!!



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