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To Yammer Dan, From VR family who attended Freebird's MD - we love brother!!


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YES Houghton Lake :parrots:


NICE!! Its in the cooker right now Drews!! Gonna bring my camera so anyone who was not at MD will also have a chance to get added to the well wishing for Dan will also have an opportunity to join in the chance to participate if they want to!! Depending on how hog tied the Warden has him, he may not even have read that thread yet so this could REALLY work out nicely :witch_brew:!!! STAY TUNED!! :thumbsup:

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Warden here (again) Ok many thanks to Captain Joe and his wife Peggy for getting the bike back to WV. I appreciate it. Do not know if Yammer will be released today or not. still waiting for the go a head from the Dr's. Thanks to ALL who helped in are time of need!!!

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Warden here (again) Ok many thanks to Captain Joe and his wife Peggy for getting the bike back to WV. I appreciate it. Do not know if Yammer will be released today or not. still waiting for the go a head from the Dr's. Thanks to ALL who helped in are time of need!!!


THANK YOU for the update Mrs. Warden!! Dan is my friend and my brother, my wife Tippy and I are praying for your Hubby in his recovery. Any form of info you can pass on is GREATLY appreciated!! THANK YOU SOOO MUCH FOR YOUR THOUGHTFULNESS!!


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Yep,, I must of not pushed the button on my camera hard enough! That thing got super glue down inside its shutter release button a couple years ago after I dropped it on the road outwest, I repaired it and got it working fine except its shutter button is now kind of hard to work (not making excuses Raggy - just facts). Anyway, working on a way to redeem myself here @ragtop69gs!! What are you doing Thursday - day after tomorrow? I am thinking of hosting a Meet and Greet up at Houghton Lake, centrally located in Michigan so all of our friends from Michigan and Canada will all be driving about the same distance... You guys over there on the east side, even @Carbon One with his slingshot could ride up there and we could do a redo on your video!! Thursday is the only day we have open for a while because of the wedding coming up (youngest daughter getting hitched). Any chance it might work for you! I am buying everyone lunch if this works out!!

What say you Raggy,, wanna shot a the title big guy?

THURSDAY! GOTTA WORK [emoji20] I'm off Friday's

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THURSDAY! GOTTA WORK [emoji20] I'm off Friday's


rats,, BIG RATS with 4 inch eye balls and buck teeth, big mean bitin rats!! Was hoping I could buy ya a Hot Dog and maybe have another poke at getting a vid for Dan O' - man I really really really miss :witch_brew: with Yammer :crying:.. He is sooo much fun!! You are too Raggie!! Oh well,, I am sure our paths will cross again very soon,, after all - its not like we live 400 million miles apart or something!!:thumbsup:

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Warden here (again) Ok many thanks to Captain Joe and his wife Peggy for getting the bike back to WV. I appreciate it. Do not know if Yammer will be released today or not. still waiting for the go a head from the Dr's. Thanks to ALL who helped in are time of need!!!


Patsy, no worries, glad we could help.

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Hey puc, check the permissions on GaryN's video, please. It tells me it's private.


I just cant win for losing - I think I have it now Bummer. Please take a click on this and see if now works and PLEASE let me know how it comes out. My sincere apologies to @Gary N. for all this, for some reason youtube and I didnt get along very well on your beautiful clip for Dan - nothing on purpose my friends, I love you guys and would do nothing to hurt your feelings.. Hopefully this fixes it!! I changed the link on the original thread (again) to match this one and if it works here it should be working good there too. I hope!!

Oh, by the way, THANK YOU BUMMER!!

Edited by cowpuc
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I think I have it now Bummer.


You do indeed. Thanks for fixing it.


By the way, I would certainly hope that nobody would take technological difficulties as a personal slight. You've done a wonderful thing with this. All of us can benefit from going through the messages to link faces with names.

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You do indeed. Thanks for fixing it.


By the way, I would certainly hope that nobody would take technological difficulties as a personal slight. You've done a wonderful thing with this. All of us can benefit from going through the messages to link faces with names.


Thanks Bummer and PLEASE, if you or anyone else finds something here that I screwed up on PLEASE let me know so I can correct it!! I gotta agree with you Bummer, if anyone has any interest in connecting names with faces, those short video's that the great folks at MD willing volunteered to be part of are a GREAT way to do it!! THANK YOU EVERYONE - you are all the BESTEST group EVER!!



Oh yea, @Yammer Dan - still at Prayers Up and Blessings Down status brother!!!

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.. if anyone has any interest in connecting names with faces, those short video's that the great folks at MD willing volunteered to be part of are a GREAT way to do it!!


I certainly do. I suck at that sort of thing. You know, go to an event. Meet or re-meet a hundred people. Fifteen minutes later, who was who? I can't thank you enough for doing this, even if making life a bit easier for me wasn't the original goal.


And Yammer, get better soon buddy. Cracked ribs hurt (though I refuse to admit why I know). The sooner that's over the better.


Dear Warden, please forgive the familiarity, but I need to point out (and you may already be well aware) that there comes a time in life when guys have to do stuff that perhaps the more prudent (our wives?) wouldn't. It helps us not look too far ahead.

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