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Best Ride of the Year....So Far

Bobby G

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Did 400+ miles in 14 hours yesterday in just picture perfect weather, and hit some of the best GA-NC-TN roads you'll ever ride in a day. Starting from the 'burbs in Marietta, we did back roads to Dahlonega, northeast up over Blood Mountain to Brasstown Bald, up to Hawassee, then lunch in Murphy NC. Shopped a little at Cherokee Cycle, then up to Rt. 28 (Hellbender 28) along the Nantahala River to Deals Gap. A little more shopping, then rode The Dragon up and back again, then down to Robbinsville, then west on the Cherohala Skyway to Tellico Plains, south on Rt. 68 to Blue Ridge, and then home.


What a great day, but I'm feeling it a little today. :sick: The RSV did awesome in the thousands of twisties we hit all day. I never even had to get out of 2nd gear on the Dragon, and it just glided in and out of the 318 turns it throws at you in 11 miles. This is where you really appreciate the leveling link mod the most. And the Cherohala is just a fabulous ride all by itself. Gonna do that one again next month. Worth the trip from anywhere. :cool10:

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Think he had his hands full with al the turns/curves ! Didn't have a free hand for the camera !



I meant to have my video cam mounted for the ride, and walked right out without it. But the wife got some great shots on her cam...I'll post as soon as I get back from Cali.

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