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Home from Cody


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It is amazing how you can leave home anticipating a great reunion with friends made, and the prospect of making new friends, have a fantastic time, ride till your seat is worn out, imbibe till the inhibitions drop away ( and then some), eat till your pant size needs to increase, win stuff to the point of embarrassment, appreciate the true quality of people we met and come home to find the world has not crashed, the garden grown, turkeys, goats and pets missed us.


Thank you Venture riders for the fellowship and memories we have brought home with us and we certainly look forward to more opportunities.:15_8_211[1]::15_9_28[1]: Teri n Erv

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Great seeing you and Terry again. Now, don't forget ...Lick with the grain..:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:




Owl...we sure had to laugh when we were packing up. You were the guy with the pickup and all the room to haul crap...I mean important stuff..the rest of us had bikes, a couple with trailers...that were full when we got there..we wound up with a large plastic storage container filled with a various assortment of food, not to mention bags of cups, bowels, plastic food containers, plastic forks, and spoons and all sorts of stuff. I figured since Rocket has become a member with rank ( Canadian Ambassador) he could figure out how to deal with the issue but he did what all important folk with rank would do and instantly delegated the job back to the common folk...Along comes a member with land yacht and room to spare...wow... thanks wrong way/cheap shot..you saved the day and we al rode off in the sunshine knowing our dilemma was solved and all the left overs would be safe in Allens capable hands.


We love ya Russ n hope to see you again soon...by the way thanks for bring'n your guitar.

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It was great meeting you and Terrie, Erv. Beth said she had a good time frying fish with you two.:thumbsup2:


I would hate to wonder how things would have turned out with out Beth's help cooking the fish. I just recall thinking how grateful I was that Beth was there and doing the job I was not at the time "certified" to follow through with. I felt fortunate that I was able to spin torts...lol

Sure do look forward to another opportunity to meet up with you both again...maybe next time we can find a road to wander together.

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