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trunk/saddlebag seals

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Went out riding yesterday and on the way home ran slap into a major downpour:depressed: (***note to self: stop and don rain gear :doh:before you hit wall of water:rain2:) Anyway, stuff in the trunk and bags got wet, I know there is a "gasket" running through the lid, can these still be had and if so where? If not, what are the alternatives?



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I did a parts check on Yamaha Parts List. Part #54K-2847F-00-00 shows as "seal" and is listed "obsolete" by Yamaha. From the diagram, I can't tell if it's a rubber seal or the metal seal we have on the lid and base. Either way, you can't get it from Yamaha.



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LOL! I have no idea. It's been about three years since I did mine. I started picking at the trunk looking at the seal and thought about what could be used to replace it. I had a bunch of scraps of the beading from doing several screens and started trying them. They fit with a lil encouragement. Worked out ok. Sealed well. I lined my trunk a couple of seasons back and it stays dry. And I ride in the rain a LOT!


So all I can say is it was grey and ribbed.



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