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Assumptions for safety

Guest Ken8143

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I am organizing a ride for people where I work - and came up with some assumptions to keep in mind while riding. I would love to hear your feedback - other assumptions worth remembering?


Good Assumptions to Make for a Safe Ride

1. A bump on the road is bigger than it looks.

2. A hole in the road is deeper than it looks.

3. Just past a blind crest of a hill is a sharp jog to the right or left, or an abrupt T-road.

4. Just because the other guy has a yield sign doesn’t mean he will.

5. Just because the other guy has a stop sign doesn’t mean he will.

6. Just because the other guy has a red light doesn’t mean a thing.

7. Just because the other guy at an intersection looks you in the eye and waves you on through does not mean he will not turn right in front of you.

8. Just because the other guy is sitting beside you in a right turn only lane with his right blinker on, the front wheels pointed to the right, does not mean he will turn right.

9. A car in front of you with a turn signal on means either: (a) it will turn in the direction indicated, (b) it will turn in the direction not indicated, © it won’t turn at all, or (d) it will stop.

10. At every driveway, a car will pull out, back out, or pull into, regardless of who or where you are. Plan on it.

11. A nice twisty can have gravel, wet leaves, animals, and other pestilences which will cause you to soil your underpants.

12. A nice blind twisty will have a semi taking up both lanes, right at you.

13. If the sign on a sharp curve says 15 mph, that should tell you something.

14. Gravel on a twisty means trouble.

15. In a no-passing zone, plan for the on-coming vehicle to pass another approaching vehicle, right straight towards you, and in your lane.

16. A green light will not stay green very long.

17. If the driver of a vehicle beside you looks straight at you, right in the eye, that does not mean (s)he sees you. They will pull over on you.

18. At intersections, on-coming vehicles move faster than you think they are.

19. At an intersection, you will not be seen by other drivers, no matter how big your bike is or how many lights you have on.

20. It takes longer to stop than you think it will.

21. You drop off the shoulder of the road, you will cry on it.

22. In a wooded area or in a farm area or in a suburban area, a deer will jump across the road. Right in front of you.

23. It is not a good idea to run your bike with 5 lbs. of pressure in the tires.

24. That is good stuff they teach you in the Motorcycle Safety Foundation course.

25. There are bold riders. There are old riders. There aren’t any bold, old riders. Think about it.

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