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Hey Bob,

I had a similar problem a few months ago. One thing I did was to replace the Radiator Cap, A 1993 Geo Metro cap fits well and is 1/3 the price of a Yamaha cap. I got mine at Advance Auto Parts. It doesn't look as good but it works. The second issue I had was the Radiator Drain plug was leaking due to a worn out O"Ring.


The coolant would leak from the drain into the Lower Cowl and when I would ride the bike it would come out of the Cowl out on the road. Also check all of your hose clamps, after all they are 22 years old.

Hope this helps,


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Just a thought......you may want to pressure check your system.


I bought a brand new vehicle years ago and was losing coolant. No puddles, oil was fine, it wasn't coming out the exhaust.


Cause.....the pre-delivery inspection wasn't completed properly and the lower rad hose clamp hadn't been "snugged up" so when the vehicle was running and built up pressure it would spray out as a bit of a mist...so there was never a puddle, under the vehicle was virtually dry.


It's worth a shot if you still have a problem

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