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Any club that would have me as a member...


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Thanks for the welcome y'all. I hail from "sunny" NW - Port Angeles, WA - great riding country just always pack your wet gear.


ALWAYS looking for riding bud's and will join most any road trip, especially fond of the really important one's - like that 800 mile round trip for the BEST ribs on the planet in Spokane, WA out by the old Air Force air strip.


Hobby in the winter is scouring Craig's list, and other venues for the older, classic or soon to be classic rides for those fixer bikes, bringing them home to my shop and giving them a new life. The rest of my time is spent fishing and riding.


Give me a shout, let's go for a ride or hook up in the shop and skin some knuckles.


Jim "Bull"


Have some ecletic rides:


83' Venture Royale'

82' Maxim XJ1100

86' ZL900 da' Eliminator

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We were in Spokane a few years ago on a bus trip and Alaskan cruise. That's a nice little town you have there. Of course there is those rather obscene group pictures of us and the statures...


Welcome aboard. You will find us a very likeable bunch and as you get to know the site, discover that we are more than just members here, we are truly FAMILY! You will be hard pressed to find a more caring and giving group!


There are quite the charactors here as well. A lot of pot stirrers, (especially the one who calls himself Squidley:stirthepot:) punsters, and assorted nuts! We have lots of local meets and eats, just keep your eye on the forums for that, as well as large regional gatherings.

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