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Has anyone else noticed or is it just me


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Everythings working great for me. My pet peeve is that if I happen to accidently hit the wrong key, and go to another webpage while typing, everything I typed is gone when I return and I need to start over again. Get really pissed off if it's a long type. On long responses I've started copying to the clipboard in case something happens. That way I don't loose it all if I do. This is the only board where this has ever happened.

Condor, Me too, it is very very frustrating. As you know I can be a little long winded when telling a story and spend considerable time typing what I think is a good yarn and all of a sudden it it lost in cyberspace. I've lost some of my best stories that way. And then once it's gone I don't have the patience to recreate it. I've always felt the word processor on this site is somewhat user unfriendly.

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Any chance you're using the same software Condor is?

AAARRRRGGGGGGGHHH..............#%&*^%%&*()(&%%*)o*&^%% IT JUST HAPPENED TO ME AGAIN.

I was posting a great story on the thread about "Gas prices coming down fast" and telling how I was manuever the motorhome through the lines of impatient angry motorist lined up at a station advertising $2.07 gas when as soon as I get to the pumps the price clicks back up to $2.46. I was just about finished when the I must of hit the wrong thing and the whole thing disappeared into Cyberspace hell.

To bad yall aren't gonna be able to read it, It was a very funny story,. But now I don't have the time or the inclination to recreate it.

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AAARRRRGGGGGGGHHH..............#%&*^%%&*()(&%%*)o*&^%% IT JUST HAPPENED TO ME AGAIN.


I was posting a great story on the thread about "Gas prices coming down fast" and telling how I was manuever the motorhome through the lines of impatient angry motorist lined up at a station advertising $2.07 gas when as soon as I get to the pumps the price clicks back up to $2.46. I was just about finished when the I must of hit the wrong thing and the whole thing disappeared into Cyberspace hell.


To bad yall aren't gonna be able to read it, It was a very funny story,. But now I don't have the time or the inclination to recreate it.


I had similar happening here or on other Boards. When i typing longer Posts or even Mails, i routinely hit CTRL+"A" and CTRL+"C" every Two or Three Sentences. This copies the complete Text in the Input Field in the Clipboard and if something goes worng during the Submission of the Text, i can easily go back and hit CTRL+"V" and Paste the last Text back into the Input Field.

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