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I used to be a member but no more. We have a motorcyle gang that goes around ganging up on people and beating them up. There was an instance where a 69 year old man was leaving the funeral of a member of the Outlaws and when he started to get on his bike a member of the gang hit him upside his head and knocked him off his bike. He was bleeding and when he got up there were 5 members of the gand standing around him with knives and brass knuckles. I was discussing this at a CMA meeting and they took up for this gang. I never went back and never will.

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I WON'T do the typical motorcycle group/gang thing either.


When Skid,Yammeer Dan and I went to Ashville this year there was a CMA member bragging about all these rides they went on. A little further into the conversation he was boasting about him and a couple other friends had to ride from North Carolina up to someplace in WV. "TO BUST A COUPLE HEADS" as someone was horning in on their meth operation... Thinking they were CMA in name only.


This is the closest thing resembling a motorcycle group that I belong, or, ever will belong to.

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I know CMA is working on changing the way a person becomes a member, making it more of a a commentment to be a member. If these people are dealing drugs I would think they are not part of a local chapter. To be a active member in CMA you need to be at 6 monthly meetings a year donate to CMA on a regular base, Atended a state or national event. Plus report minstry done quarterly.

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Been in CMA several years. Was very active for about 10 years. Road Captain for 3 and Chaplain for 1.


Although I occasionally still do free "fellowship maintenance" on CMA members' and other folks' bikes, I don't do much with CMA on a monthly basis now. About 5 years ago, God (once again) led me back into youth ministry. I am deeply devoted there and seeing much fruit. Whatever ministry you're interested in, go where God leads.


Retired, with 4 adult kids and two grand kids, God led us to adopt 16 month old orphan a little over a year ago. One of the highlights of our lives.


As far as getting into skirmishes with biker gangs, I think the issue is when you place MC or a territorial rocker on the back of your vest. But I could be wrong.


In CMA, we are an international association active in about 32 countries, not an MC (Motorcycle Club) seeking to protect territory. We should not be seen as a threat to any MC.


We limit what goes on the back of our vests. The CMA colors (logo, earned if you've completed the ministry material), your name, and your ministry team (mechanical, prayer, servant, etc.) should be all that is on the back of the vest. I only have my CMA logo the back of my vest. I've traveled all over the U.S. with no issues. Maybe I've just never experienced an unfavorable encounter.


Anyway, serve wherever you find that you are led.


Oh yes, chapter 318, Mission Riders, Charleston, SC

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Here's what happened with the 69 year old. There were a group of guys that rode on the weekend. There are businessmen, accountant and managers. No where close to a motorcycle club. They had jackets with their group name. No rockers or anything close. They knew a guy in the outlaws. They had a beer with him many times and considered him a friend so they went to his funeral. Afterwards they went to a restaurant to eat. Some of the members of the local gang came in and asked the 69 year old what he was doing wearing his jacket and told him to remove it. He said he served in the military and fought for this country so he felt he had the right to wear his jacket. The gang member said Ok if you want trouble we will show you trouble and went on. When the 69 year old walked across the street to get on his bike he was blindsided when one of the gang members hit him beside his head. The gang member told him that every time he saw him that was what was going to happen. Some of the riding group were former army rangers and started carrying guns because they were scared. They finally called the president of the gang and he said if the 69 year old would resign as the head of the group and apologize the gang would call a truce. When we were going to start a star rider group here the guy organizing the group wanted us to order the star back patch to put our jackets. A guy that was in the group with the 69 year old told us about this so we didn't form a group. The guys in the CMA said this was the gangs territory and we should be glad they had this territory so no other gang would come in. Give me a break. Do you think God would be pleased with what happened.

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...Thanks for the replies.:)


One thing; In one of our first meetings,we were told about the "teritorial" thing.


The advice was, if you are asked to remove your colors, remove them.


Good advice i think. I would rather have the opportunity to Minister than to get a bump on the head.


have been told that we have a good reputation with most MC gangs but there is still the possibility of running into a rouge group.........There is also the possibility that I may run into a road sign; but i still ride....:322:

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