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Posts posted by GolfVenture

  1. Wow, this is just what I was hoping, that someone would have a feasible suggestion.


    Similar to resoldering the air compressor board on a 1st Gen.


    I'm definately going to take a shot at it...


    I'll report back of my progress.


    1st I'll have to get some help getting the tv off the wall.


    Another project to add to my to do list, only this one goes to the top if the list.

  2. I've heard some say that a shield vent helps. I got one, I can't say if it improved much or not for my wife hasn't rode with me that much, except she says there still is buffering.


    Now I test drove a 2012 Wing last year and it definately had less buffering for me as the driver. It felt like the wind was gently going around me while my 91 VR with the tallest and widest clearview with a vent, the driver buffering from the side was significantly greater. Some VRs owners have installed wing-lets only they are expensive and used ones are hard to find.

  3. It be nice to see some wind tunnel data. I do not understand how cutting the shield down would cut down on wind buffering? Maybe you are saying that the wind is a constant pressure on the driver with the lower shield?


    I had a vent in my shield and my wife didn't think it helped if at any all.

    She also rides with a full face and that may make her head heavier for the wind to push around but the bufferring is still there.

  4. Are Flat Screen TVs as dangerous to work on as the older picture tube TVs? I'm thinking not but I figure someone here would know.


    My flat screen powers on but no picture. All the lights are on as normal. No response from the input, channel, volume and menu button.


    Sound is coming thru my sound system which is independent from the TV.


    Once on the power will not shut off.


    By habit we normally use the manuel power on/off button on the TV. Beside that all functions are controlled by the remote.


    Anyone have any experience with thses flat screen especially the Vizio?

  5. My dad bought a new 66 Chev Surbuban. A lot of similarity to your GMC. Sold it around 1980 only it was still in really nice condition.


    My 76 Chev Luv restore project will be a long journey. I'm hoping to get it back running with new paint but if I do not and pass the restore baton to someone else, that ok. I'm content to know that I did not part it out.


    I wish I had the funds to retire for I have many a projects to restore.


    1) 1969 Kawasaki 90 G3TR origional owner

    2) 1974 Yamaha YZ125 origional owner

    3) 1976 Chev Luv origional owner

    4) 1976 AMD Pacer my mothers was the origional owner.


    Then I have ton of uncut rocks from all over the Great Pacific Northwest, for my family were rock hounds. Thundred Eggs, Montana Agate, Jasper, Plum, Both Petrified and Agatized wood. Just this last week I for some reason search craigslist for a lapidary saw and wowo I found a 20 inch saw for 1/2 what is was worth. The guy dropped the price 3 times with no calls until I came along. I grabbed it. I also have a flat bed polisher and my dads old tumbler.


    So much fun to explore so little time and money.

  6. This is an update on the 1st Gen Crown Patch:


    The person who is making them was out of the country and when she returned she got some bug and is still out. I'm trying to work out some minor details and she said she will try to get me a sample next Monday. She is the same person that I've worked with on all the other prior patches, except this one, I've made a lot of modifications that includes lot of details.


    Sorry it is taking so long...

  7. MotoCaribe Motorcycle Tours


    Hello, all!


    I need some help finding a special motorcyclist for a 40-day adventure of a lifetime that may be seen by people all around the world.


    I am searching the planet for a 50+y.o. woman, someone who rides motorcyclists without being a high-profile pro, that has an amazing personal story of courage, challenge or accomplishment.


    If you know of such a person, please message me with some details and contact information.


    Thanks for being part of our search.



    I do not know how ligit this is but it sounds real...


  8. I understand the desire to restore an older vehicle, although mine is for reasons different than most. I have a 1996 caprice classic 4.3L V8 that my husband has given the green light to start deciding what to do and the best way to go about it. My caprice is my 2nd ever car to own. Mike bought it for me as an engagement present. The 84 Olds cutlass I owned when he and I met was a good point A to B car but had problems, the biggest was the transmission was resealed with bathroom caulking before I bought it. Mike decided that instead of getting me a ring when he choose to propose a car would be a better choice. The car means the world to me. Noone had ever cared to do something that nice for me before. Fast forward 13 yrs later and the car needs a body restoration, interior restoration and other minor fixes. However he has decided that the car needs under the hood upgrades, new engine, tranny, etc. So who knows where my car ends up by this time next year.


    Well, I'd like to add some perspective so to look at thinks in a different way. I bought my wife a Solidatary ring with two smaller diamonds on each side. This year will be our 33 year. In the 33 years, if my memory serves correctly I have repaired her ring 5 times. See she wears it 100% all the time. So over time the gold tips that keeps the diamond form falling out needs to be replaced because the daily wear and tear wears the tips down. The 1st time was a shock for no one told me the maintenance of a solidatary ring, and gold keeps going higher and higher. That was 3 times. On the 4th time I asked is there something differrent that can be done. Yes you can go to Platinieum. That was even more expensive, but it is much stronger. The 2 side diamonds doesn't need it as often but still requires retippnig. Then there was the 20th where I up graded her 3 Diamonds to larger ones. Ouch that really bit the wallet. I thought that the origional diamonds would have been forever. So I've spent several thousands in maintenacnce of her ring in the last 33 years.


    So if your hesititant in spending some cash on your 96 Classic, maybe my story might help you feel better about it. Also one might think investing good money on your 96 Classic, you'll never get it back. In the same likeness, the investment in a diamond ring, one won't get that back eithor. Try selling a used diamond ring.


    Just another way of looking at things.

  9. Glad you have your priorities in order, Brian. Gotta fix that taillight gasket, pronto.:thumbsup2:


    Ya I know, probably going about it backwards. Its just that cleaning up small items, or making a new gasket is something I can be doing as my wife watches her cooking shows or "The Voice" or "American Idol" or her "Downton Abbey" or Next Flex in the evenings. Keeps me sane.

  10. So I've decided to walk down the road of restoring my 76 Chev Luv (Origional Owner). I'm asahamed to have let it get in this condition. I just did not have any place to store it under cover most of its non running days. It is all there, the main thing is I got the timing off when I installed a used head. My goal is to get it cleaned up from the outside and in safe running condition. I will consider it a journey with the understanding that I may pass the restoring baton to another person. It's 37 years old and by the time I'm 74 it will be 50 years old. I hope to live long enough to see it on the road. This project is not going to take presidence of my love for my 89 VR, but I would like to start making some process on it.


    I've joined the LUV Truck group and most of the owners I've conversed with are high school to college age. I've asked my 1st question and that is where to get replacement gaskets for the tail light and turn signal lense. I was told that one can't get them any more and I would need to consider patching the old one or making some.


    So I'm turning to the creativity, wisdom and experienced of this group for some suggestions.


    I've included some pictures and the last is one of the lens that needs a new gasket.


    I called an auto store and they have sheets of rubber gasket materials. But before I begin I would like anyone who has some experience and suggestions for me.

  11. Miles, I pray that from this point on, your trip will all be good and enjoyable and most of all safe. When you get back home their ins will take care of every scratch and bring your bike back to its pristine condition.

  12. Here is a Happy Birthday song with a little different twist.


    Hap-py Birth-day Hay, Hap-py Birth-day

    Oh What a Wonder-ful, Wonder-ful Day Hay

    Hap-py Birth-day Hay, Hap-py Birth-day

    Hope You are having a Vanta-stic Day.


    Hope this song stick in your head for a while.

  13. Brian,


    Why not take one off your extra carbs for now.


    How did it get bent, not likely in the carb rack under normal conditions.




    Yes, currently I am using one from my wrecked 91 VR. Only I would like to keep the 91 carb intact as a complete unit. I would like to salvage this one if I could.


    How did it get bent. Well when I bought my 89 VR in 2010 the choke level would only open up about half way. Then in the spring of 2011 when I fixed a stuck float I saw that the right back carb choke plunger was missing the tip. So the choke was only activating 3 choke plunger. A member gave me a spare plunger. Well in the spring of 2012 the 89 VR again encountered carb issues only my time was occupied with my 91 VR. In the last couple of months I've been working on cleaning the carbs on the 89 VR then I saw the bent plunger on the Right front carb.


    I asked that same question, how did the PO do that.

  14. So this is the continuing saga of my bent choke plunger. My machinest friend was able to straighten most of the bend out without breaking the tip off. But by so taking the bend out a wide crack or a gap appeared where the bend occured.



    Maybe the plunger tip is strong enough or maybe not. I would like to somehow solder it to give it additional strength.



    Any recommendations.

  15. I am looking fo a windshield for a 89 VR. I want to cut it down for use in the summer and then put the standard one on in the fall when the weather gets colder.






    Jim. I found the shield, There is a small crack on the far left bolt hole, You might want to put some glue on it. Then there are 2 other hairline cracks where the PO glued it. Posted a picture of it and also a picture thru the shield just so you can see it. No scratches or visable nicks, in nice condition.


    Didn't mean to take over this thread. This should end it here.

  16. I have a 1990 Yamaha Venture Royale. It runs fine, but whenever I fill it up, the tank looks like it's full after about 2 gallons, then the level of fuel slowly goes down. I end up having to spoon feed it another gallon. I don't see any fuel leaking anywhere. Is this normal?


    Do you really spoon an Extra Gallon or is it a bit over a pint. The neck will take about a pint really slow but not an entire gallon.

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