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Are you ok eck?

Venturous Randy

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The weather was an isolated T-storm not of any magnitude as T-storms go. But, at the airport, there were several tents setup and a micro-burst collasped several of the tents slung chairs and tables around, etc. The freak tragedy was a five year old killed when an air-conditioning unit associated with one of the tents fell on him. The other injuries were minor. The wind was estimated in excess of 50 MPH.



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I was at the airshow today and it was a terrible storm to be caught out in an open field. It got very cold during the blowing rain in a way I have never felt before. The storm only lasted about 15 minutes and then the clouds broke up and it looked like a fair weather day. The emergency vehicle sirens were going everywhere. About 10 minutes after the storm they announced that the show was cancelled due to injuries. I got home about two hours later and checked the news on www.al.com and saw where the child had died. I had my 6 and 5 year old boys there and it hit home. Hug your kids! I did.

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Hey, Im fine...thanks for asking Randy..


As already said...micro burst flinging stuff in the air..one 5yr old was killed and 8 or 12 more hurt..



I live very close to the air port, and I was in the garage cleaning / waxing my bike when it began raining..

I didnt notice anything as far as a storm... just raining ..

Then the rain stopped, and after I finished cleaning my bike up, I went inside and took a shower..


Later on, watching the news I saw where the storm hit the airport and the young boy was killed and the others were transported to the hospital..couldnt believe it..:think:


Edited by Eck
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I just got off the phone with my daughter, Jacque, who informed me that a friend of hers had tickets for them for the VIP seating for the Blue Angels Air Show yesterday in Huntsville, but because she had to work, she nor her friend could not make it. Jacque said their seats were to have been right next to where the little boy was killed. She tells me that a 12 year old is in critical condition from the incident as well. Our thoughts and prayers go to all families there.

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