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Dented Curbside Header

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Hey Yall!


Tore the headers off the bike to replace the starter and the thermostat housing. The starter was fine until I tried to change battery cables and I broke the stud clean off the old one. Ordered a new one off ebay for 37 bucks that came off an 06 RSV with about 30k miles. The thermostat housing had cracks in it, and when me and dad were in Colorado last year would just puke coolant when we started it 2 of those high altitude low tempurature mornings. Anyways, I pulled the curb side header off and its dented up pretty good on the underside. I was reading online that dents dont effect flow as much as bends do, but these are pretty significant. Should I replace it or do yall think its good? Also I think I'm gonna spray some high temp black on them before I put them back on



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Probably wouldn't hurt to look on eBay to see if you can find some better ones at a reasonable price. There looks like there might be just enough big dents in them to start to restrict flow but probably not that much. I had a pair in fairly good shape, more cosmetic issues than anything else, but I'm not sure if I still have them, and can't get into my shed until the snow melts. I'll look in a couple of days and see if they are still there...

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Here they are, far from perfect but serviceable. You could chemically strip them and paint them with high-temperature paint if desired...




You may be able to hammer this dent out by clamping in a vise and use a drift tool...




Both are scraped on the bottom but not mangled too bad...




You will probably need new copper crush collars...




Let me know and I can get them shipped out sometime next week.

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Wow those are in great shape! I went ahead and ordered a cheap ebay set for about 30 bucks including shipping but yours are in better shape to be honest!:bang head: I'm kind of on a time frame cuz she's my only bike. I'm sorry for not getting ahold of you when I ordered them:doh:

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There are some videos on line from some guys who like to try and debunk myths and ideas regarding engines.

One of the videos ....they talk about dents in headers. Discussion started when guys would cram an engine is an area where it shouldn't fit, so they would dent the headers to get the motor in. People were saying you are losing power bashing headers. So....They threw a motor in a dyno and got the hp and torque. Then bashed one header. No change. Bashed another. No change. Did all 8 ... No change.


So much for that.... At least according to them.

Interesting food for thought.

Edited by videoarizona
replaced a "G" with an "F"
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There are some videos on line from some guys who like to try and debunk myths and ideas regarding engines.

One of the videos ....they talk about dents in headers. Discussion started when guys would cram an engine is an area where it shouldn't fit, so they would dent the headers to get the motor in. People were saying you are losing power bashing headers. So....They threw a motor in a dyno and got the hp and torque. Then bashed one header. No change. Bashed another. No change. Did all 8 ... No change.


So much for that.... At least according to them.

Interesting good for thought.



Hmmm... I think I'll slink over to the youtube and see if I can find that vid. Curious to see how much they dented em

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I haven't Cut the Venture pipes apart yet but when I split my 1984 Virago exhaust, the front header pipe was double walled, the inner pipe was about 1/4 smaller in diameter.


from what I have been told they do this to keep more heat within the exhaust pipe to help it exhaust quicker it is the same theory applied when using pipe wrap on your headers.


the quicker the exhaust exits the quicker it can inhale the next Charge= better performance and MPG.


so likely the dents will not have much affect.



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