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My son moving to New York


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My son Dylan who is 20 is moving to the Bronx NY.

He just got his motorcycle license was gong to buy a bike then got the call that the room he is going to rent was available.


So Bike on back burner and he is loading up this week to head to New York, where he hopefully will find a job fairly quick.

He is into fashion and someday wants his own fashion line.


Any of my venture Brothers in that part of the world or New York. I may be asking for help for him at some point.

Being down here in Texas and with my new job (can't take vacation for 6 months), I can't go and help if he needs it.


Thanks and God Bless

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Good Luck to your Son!


My son moved to NYC when he was 22 to start his career in recording music. He was lucky in that one of his high school buddies who moved back to NYC had a room in his apt. in Queens. I was apprehensive too but it all worked out for him. He has since moved to Los Angeles but he says he likes NYC the best. He succeeded beyond his expectations and is now living his dream.

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Seems like just yesterday while raising our kids on 20 acres of quiet Michigan land with 6000 acres of State Land to play on that our 2nd born country girl of a daughter announced she had gotten accepted at Cornell in Manhatten and would be moving to NYC = TIP AND I KNOW EXACTLY HOW YOU AND THAT PRECIOUS BRIDE OF YOURS FEEL THERE MY TEXAS HERO BROTHER,,, definitely hard watching em sprout wings and fly off in search of fulfilling their dreams!! Prayers Up for that youngen and for you folks as you all face these exciting, but somewhat frightening, times!!

On the same token = wayyyy cool Dylan!!! Your ol Uncle Puc livin in Michigan aint gonna be much help if ya have a flat tire or you need immediate attention BUT,,,,,, I LOVE that city - it IS an amazing place and wish nothing but the best for you young man!! "The Big Apple" has it all,,, the fun part is finding the treasure you seek in all that endless opportunity = Godspeed in locating exactly the treasure you seek Dylan!!

Lean on the Lord when times get dicey (stay away from the alternative coping methods) and all will be fine!!



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