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Wedding day today


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My daughter is getting married today so it is going to be one busy day around here, Looks like we are going to have a nice sunny day maybe a little on the cool side but a nice day.

Spent the week mowing and triming the campground getting it ready for today my daughter loves the campground and thats where she is getting married and it would have had to be under water and then she most likely would of had the wedding on a boat if she would of had to.

I get to spend the morning cooking venison stew Sharons making her chilli. The bonfire and fire works are all set up chairs are up parking area is ready

More to do but I think that the helpers got it under control Hana has her note book with most all crossed off I think she may have gotten a hour of sleep last night, Had to tell her put the note book down get some rest.

Well off to get this day going and hope that my daughter gets to have her self a great day today and the start of a good life with her new husband.


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reading this to Tippy as I read thru it - My daughter is getting married today(Tip said - AWESOME, I agree) so it is going to be one busy day around here (Tip said YOU CAN COUNT ON THAT - I agree), Looks like we are going to have a nice sunny day maybe a little on the cool side but a nice day.

Spent the week mowing and triming the campground getting it ready for today my daughter loves the campground and thats where she is getting married (Tip said "AWE" - I say you are very fortunate to have such a sweet daughter) and it would have had to be under water and then she most likely would of had the wedding on a boat if she would of had to (both of us chuckled out loud).

I get to spend the morning cooking venison stew Sharons making her chilli (Tip said sounds like you folks are gonna have some VERY well fed guests - I said "YUUMMMMM). The bonfire and fire works are all set up chairs are up parking area is ready (Tips says WOW,, FIREWORKS,, sounds like an awesome shindig, maybe if we leave right now we could get make the fireworks! - I said, forget the fireworks - I want some Venison Stew:178:

More to do but I think that the helpers got it under control Hana has her note book with most all crossed off I think she may have gotten a hour of sleep last night (both of us :big-grin-emoticon:, Had to tell her put the note book down get some rest (Tip said she will after its all said and done, I said - since when did children listen to their parents :backinmyday:.

Well off to get this day going and hope that my daughter gets to have her self a great day today and the start of a good life with her new husband. we both agreed 100% with that one Or!!




To all of you Orlin and Sharon!! Please pass on our well wishing and Congratulations to both the Bride and Groom too Or.. Prayers Up and Blessings Down as your daughter and her Husband share in one of God's greatest Blessings - may their lives be filled with the oneness and fulfillment that can only come from sharing life together with their best friend!!

Puc n Tip


P.S. - best protect those flowers from Moe brother,, something tells me that rascal would chew thru a barbed wire fence to nibble on a fresh cut Rose or two:sign your welcome:

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