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wave runner blues.

chris fulgenzi

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hey every one.

well I guess I need to buy a wave runner.. know why? because it NEVER stops raining.

it rained all this month, and guess what !!!! they say it will rain all next month !!!

it has rained so bad, my in ground pool floated a few days ago. the water table was so high it raised my pool liner up !!!

I have rode my bike like 6 times this month:rotf:

a few days ago I went for a ride !!! it was great !! for like 15 minutes and guess what happened!! it RAINED all over the place.

my 1,300 treaded water like a friggen boat !!

so back in my shop for a wash and wax and full detail, AGAIN. is this funny yet??

just went out for a smoke.. guess what its doing out side? :rain2: you got it !!!

oh wait I got it !! I could put a paddle tire on the rear, and a ski on the front and cruse to Monte Carlo... :crying::250:

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Not sure exactly where in Fl you are, but for the most part anywhere in Fl you better be ready for rain if you go for a ride. Its just part of the deal here. No doubt its a PIA belive me. I ride mine back and forth to an airport 85 miles away and I never know what I'm going to get. Got to have good rain gear, down side of that is its been sooooo freakin hot your gonna either be soaked by rain or, sweat to kindom come in the bag.


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We have had a lot of rain here in Michigan. Plus, it was in the mid 40's in the early morning on my way into work all the way into the middle of June. I don't mind the cool temps, but I have an hour ride to work, so by the time I get there I was getting pretty chilled. It was 48 degree when I left for work at 5am this morning! Supposed to rain later tomorrow. I don't mind getting wet on the way home, but on the freeway I have to take, it get pretty nuts when it's wet out, so I try not to ride to work when they are calling for the wet stuff.

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Chipley is in the panhandle of Florida and they have had more than their fair share of rain this summer, even compared to us in South Florida. I have rain gear, but am no fan of riding inthe rain and don't do it on purpose if I can help it. Ditto the heat. In the summer I try to ride enough to burn through a tank of gas a month, but that's about it.

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Yup sometimes its brutal. Last year was one of those everywhere I think. Heck I was in the mountians in NC @ 5000 ft and it was mid 90"s. 104 or something in Gainsville Ga @ 5pm. I was dead tired and burnt up. Next day I got early start home. I think I left the hotel about 6 am.

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... and we have had the opposite and for these parts, a totally uncommon July.


We have not had rain all month and there's only been a day or two that we've had any cloud cover at all. If we make it thru the end of Wednesday (tomorrow) we will have broken all former records for July and for that matter for all time as being the only month ever around here without any rain whatsoever.


But guess what?


Nina and I are leaving on our holidays, on the scoot, with our tent trailer in tow Friday morning and waddya know.... the forecast is for RAIN ... and lots of it for both Friday and Saturday all on our route!!



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internets been down for a few days. good old att...since I posted that, it has rained every day. bike has been in my shop and has not been out. :rain2:

I don't ride her in the rain. it takes to long to detail her. its like a show bike. with ALOT of chrome and lizard lights all over her. I will get out the photos soon. and, I am to old and smart to ride in the rain. that's why I have a 2011 dodge charger..lol

any one know where I can hire a rain dance stopper?? :fingers-crossed-emo

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