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something to scare the crap out of you.

Midnight Rider

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It is amazing the crap that is allowed to be posted on the internet as "truth". If that video is to be believed, than in less than three and a half months, everyone in the U.S., Canada, and Mexico, will be VOLUNTARILY implanted with a microchip. Even if we all lined up TODAY, it would not be possible from a time aspect. They have been talking about this stuff for ages. My dad told me that he read a book in high school that said by 1985 we would all be in a one world government and would all have microchips in our brain that would force us to do what the government wanted us to do. 23 years later and I do what I WANT to do!



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Just curious...has anyone read "Jeckle Island"? That is where the top financiers got togeather and formed the "Federal Bank" which is neither federal nor a bank. It loans money to the government and collects interest on the loans. It also sets U.S. policy.by having the government deep in its' debt. They want one North America, under their control.

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i quit watching the news last year. it was beginning to really upset me. to old to worry about it. going to sit back and enjoy life and let the next generation have a ball. one big party out there. only problem is i can't join in ,i don't do drugs ,have illicit sex , dress like the devil, or any of the other neat fun things that go on, so i guess i will just enjoy my bikes and live a regular ole boring life. :cool10: ole snarley

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I for one do not believe the next generations are going to have a ball. What with all the problems we are leaving them with. If this world could puke us all off of it ,it WOULD!!!!:2cents::D
i would have to say you are 100% correct. we were given a beautiful world to live in and look what we did to it in such a short period of time.from when i was young in the 50's it's gone down hill like a penny a day doubled.i think the fast lane was created by the credit card and computer age. oh well i had a great time in my life and did my best to save the world. think i'll go put some more chrome on my bike. :)
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