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Cody Reflections

Black Owl

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Well, have been home a week now from Cody and have finally started getting caught up. Had 397 E-mails waiting for me in addition to about 2 dozen phone calls from clients to return when I walked in the door. But it was worth it.

For those who have as yet been unable to make an International Rally, put it on your Bucket List. They just keep getting better and better and I don't believe you will find a better group of folks to hang out with.

Have been ready all the posts sending congrats and compliments to Condor, Lone Eagle and the others who, without questions worked their butts off to make this years event a roaring success. But in reading those posts it became readily apparent that the folks that really made the 2011 International Rally a success have been grossly neglected.

So, let me take this opportunity to correct that glaring slight.

Any event; be it a Maintenace Day, Local Meet and Eat, Vogel, Ork in the Pines, or any one of the impromptu get-to-gathers would be nothing if it wasn't for the folks that show up. Be it a ride across town or across the continent, if you didn't take the effort to come out, buy tickets, make donations and the countless other seeming "little" actions it would all be for naught.

So, to each and every one who participates, a rousing thank you. It is you folks that make each and every event, large or small, a huge success.

:mytruck1: :15_8_211[1]:

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:clap2::clap2::clap2: Yeppers to all that and least we forget the Boss who without this site nothing like any of this would happen. Oh sure there's a couple outer Yammi & Venture sites but none come close to being as good as we have it here.

Thanks to all who either get involved with the meets, rallys, etc & those who go to them.

Safe travels all, Larry

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I can honestly say, that Black Owl rode his scoot in Yellowstone, without falling off & dumping it.

But he ran out of gas, where I had to take a gas can of fuel, back to him. As he had failed to top up at the first gas station, we stopped at.

:bang head::rotf::rotf::rotf::canada:

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came close to having a police escort as I understand.





And I want to thank that broke down Hardley rider who kept the officer entertained as Rose and I were making our run back to Cody for dinner!!

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Owl, you definitely hit the nail on the head - great post, and you're right, it IS the people - their families, etc., from this site that makes putting on these events so enjoyable and fun - for everyone. As a "host" of this event, while any "party" may have its peak and/or valley planning the event, it IS the people who come / participate / mingle making new friends and reuniting with those they know, that definitely make the event and at least for myself this time, everyone attending and having fun made this one of the happiest 5 days (thereabouts) I have ever participated in. Like Owl, I truly agree and suggest anyone to attend any of the events put together by others from this site, you will never regret the experience.


And who knows, you may learn a trick or two - like topping off the tank before you go for a ride! :stickpoke::doh::confused07::rotf::no-no-no:

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