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Some of the "more to follow"


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The "new to me" GL1800 is a 2007. The black is the metallc, this thing really sparkles in direct sunlight. The short time that I have spent riding so far has been very revealing. I suppose many of you already know some of this, but here goes.


Comparing to my 2007 Venture. Even though it's heavier it feels and handles lighter, lower center of gravity. Smooth strong power all the way through the revs, I like to describe it as almost like a powerful electric motor feeling. Of course electronic fuel injection instead of hand choke and four carburetors. Seat is a little lower, and being inseam challenged, it's much more reassuring when stopped.


Lots of other little goodies, like electronically controlled two memory preloads for the rear shock (solo/passenger). Speaking of the rear shock, I don't think you have to be in constant fear of a catastrophic rear shock failure at any moment.


I loved both my Ventures, rode a '84 until 2004, had my '07 for over a year, but struggling with it being top heavy and wanting to not put my passenger in jeopardy of crashing to the ground when stopped, I was considering some kind of trike kit. Wth the Wing, I may feel enough in control to actually enjoy riding more than I have recently. This thing has crash bars that supposedly holds it up at about a 45 degree angle if it tips over, keeps it off of anyone on it as well as not crashing into the saddle bags, etc.


There's a lot more that could be discussed about all the little gadgets, doo-dads, bells&whistles, etc. but that's just "stuff". The main thing for me is feeling more comfortable, at ease, and hopefully I'll get at least a couple more years of fun, enjoyable riding. (I'll be 74 years young next month).


Oh, yeh! Just remembered to add this, no chirp, no whine.


Everyone feel free to comment.

Edited by Mel
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You will enjoy it..I LOVE mine..some complaim about leg room,I have a friend 6ft 6 inches, and he is very comfortable on his..just a matter of getting the Hwy Pegs set to your likes.Its a good feeling to roll on the power from 25 mph to whatever in 5TH gear and instantly hit mega speeds.

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