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I have to change my rear tire tomorrow, question is, can Ride on be saved and reused, or is it pretty much junk??:confused24:



Don't reuse it it turns hard after a couple of years, the PO of my bike used it and after I had my first tire change the rim was coated with the stuff.


I do not reccommend it unless you plan on changing your tires every two years not a problem if you ride as much as I do.



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Are you sure they used Ride-On, or was it a different product that is geared towards the same thing?

I put Ride-On in my tires on my last set. A few months ago they both came off and the ride-on was ONLY present on the inside of the tire. Actually, (I can post pictures later) it was very evenly and well distributed about the inside of the tread region (no surprise thanks' to centripetal forces) and there was none at all on either rim.


Don't reuse it it turns hard after a couple of years, the PO of my bike used it and after I had my first tire change the rim was coated with the stuff.


I do not reccommend it unless you plan on changing your tires every two years not a problem if you ride as much as I do.



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You could be right I am only going by what I was told by the PO, I was thinking maybe SLIME myself. The tire had been on the bike for 6 years when I bought the bike so no telling. It was not that hard to get off just a hassle. I was trying to find out where I read it would start to break down after a couple of years but I cannot find it. :confused24:

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