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Well after letting my poor ole venture sit on the back burner for a couple of years or longer, I have finally gotten some things done to her this summer that she's needed for a long time. A front fork rebuild, replaced the wore out upper fork tubes with some nice ones I got from Dingy, and a new set of progressives front springs. A new windshield, replaced the dead speedometer that was showing 92k with an e-bay model showing a mere 42k, new Dunlop tires front & rear, new fuel filter, new fuel hoses and clamps, and today I installed the coolant-bypass valve upgrade kit from skydoc_17 which by the way came with an excellent set of instructions, dumped the coolant and flushed the system several times with distilled water until it drained sparkling clean, then refilled with fresh 50/50 coolant and set the bypass valve back to flow through the thermostat, and last, put a new speedometer cable including cable housing on to replace the eternally wore-out chirping one. I think I saw her smile at me just now. I can't believe how patient she's been.


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And here I was thinking you was going to say you lost some weight or something...............you know round is a shape.....HEHEHEHEHE




but seriously why are you in here playing on the computer with a perfectly good bike setting in wait for a rider............mine is setting but not waiting...........shes tired and threw a clutch plus maybey some other parts.




comgrtas on the repairs.




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It does this old First Gen. owner good to hear you have a "heartbeat" in your First Gen. again. Now, get out there and RIDE!

As for you Painterman, you are going to force me to come to North Carolina and fix that darn bike of yours! This might be the beginning of a 2010 Maint. Tour!!


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It does this old First Gen. owner good to hear you have a "heartbeat" in your First Gen. again. Now, get out there and RIDE!

As for you Painterman, you are going to force me to come to North Carolina and fix that darn bike of yours! This might be the beginning of a 2010 Maint. Tour!!




Earl you are welcome at my home any time. NO fixin needed. The bike is down but I can always get my fix on Lauras bike or my buddies HD fat boy. As for now Im just leaving the old girl alone till I can put together the funds, and till I can get her trailerd to muffinmans for the due repairs. Im no mechanic and I fill that Ive done enough damage trying to fix it, I should know better than to have tried it myself as I always get agrevated. I havent given up as I love my bike. Dont think il ever replace her unless she gives me no choice.



LIke already stated.......You are always welcome at my place.





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I did put a few miles on her today. Even ran her out of gas several miles from the house I'm embarrassed to say. Luckily one of my neighbors happened by after I had walked about a half-mile and felt sorry either me or the bike, probably the bike but I didn't ask which, I was just happy to get a ride the rest of the way. Been plunking away at it for 2 or 3 months now, using it to ride to work during the week and wrenching on it on the weekends. I still need to get all my plastic back on it before I forget how it goes on, and the mufflers are still off too, makes that loud vrooooom sound.


Naw painterman, you won't trap me into losing any weight. Got too much time and money invested in this biker-gut !

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