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my last ride today.

Snarley Bill

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weather was awesome. i took off on my nomad at 6am and got home at 3:30 pm i think i rode almost 350 miles. every time i headed for home i would make a wrong turn and head in another direction. i think i broke 25,000 mile again this season. i'm tired of riding this year, so now that the cold weather is moving in i'm going to limit my winter rides to about 75 mi. max. keeping up with tires on five bikes is getting expensive. almost succumed to the dark side, but just can't seem to go against the tire engineers. so i guess i will be hunting for tires for my nomad. just turned over 8000 mi. this morning and the rear is gettin in the danger zone. what a great day. :clap2::2133:

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Hey Bill,

Now that work is slowing down for me and I get a 3 day weekend every weekend, we will have to make plans to come out your way and have dinner together.



name a date, we can meet you in columbia if you want. maybe on a saturday. or you can come to our house for barbeque. either way will work for us. bill
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Sorry your riding days are being limited by the weather. I just cant live up there any more. To cold for me..

Hope you can still get some riding in over the winter months when the roads are clear and dry..


In the mean time, Ill ride for you....:rasberry:






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Sounds like you had a great day, but why call it the "last ride" If you plan on riding all winter even if "only" 75 miles, those are rides too aren't they?


Since Friday evening, I did about 280 miles, 100 by myself, about 100 with a large group and today about 80 miles with my wife. Was a great three days.


But I don't put on 25 thou a year! Wow. I think I have averaged about 5000 each of the last three y ears since getting back on for the first time in 20+ years.


Keep on riding!

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