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carb adjustment

Guest davidm81651

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Guest davidm81651

Is there an air/ fuel mixture srew, I heard you turn this screw 2 turns out, where is this screw located?

Thank You, David M:confused07:

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The Idle Mixture Screws is located just under the Diaphragm-Bowls.


The Bowls are accessible from the left and right Side of the Bike. The Screws may be blocked by Brass Plugs. If so, you need to give them a carefully Bore and screw a (wooden threaded) Screw in and pull the Plugs with a Pincer out.

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The Idle Mixture Screws is located just under the Diaphragm-Bowls.


The Bowls are accessible from the left and right Side of the Bike. The Screws may be blocked by Brass Plugs. If so, you need to give them a carefully Bore and screw a (wooden threaded) Screw in and pull the Plugs with a Pincer out.


OK, this is what Squeeze said... Located at 6 o'clock under the diaphram covers you'll find the idle adjustment screw hole. If there is no hole, you'll see a round brass plug about 3/8th inch in diameter. Take an 1/8th inch drill bit and punch a hole in the center of the plug. The plug is about 3/16th of an inch thick, so drill slow. The slotted idle adjustment screw is about 3/4 of an inch below the plug so be careful not to go too deep. After drilling the hole take a small wood screw and gently insert it into the hole. The plug will spin with little effort so the trick is to get the screw to at least 'bite'. Then take a pair of pliers and gentle wiggle the screw back and forth. The plug should pop out of the hole.:):)

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OK, this is what Squeeze said... Located at 6 o'clock under the diaphram covers you'll find the idle adjustment screw hole. If there is no hole, you'll see a round brass plug about 3/8th inch in diameter. Take an 1/8th inch drill bit and punch a hole in the center of the plug. The plug is about 3/16th of an inch thick, so drill slow. The slotted idle adjustment screw is about 3/4 of an inch below the plug so be careful not to go too deep. After drilling the hole take a small wood screw and gently insert it into the hole. The plug will spin with little effort so the trick is to get the screw to at least 'bite'. Then take a pair of pliers and gentle wiggle the screw back and forth. The plug should pop out of the hole.:):)



so THAT'S what squeeze said!

i thought that was what he meant!


just jt

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actually, Condor's Description is what i would have meant and said,if i would be able to. Thanks for that.


Anyways, i says me, that have to work a LOT on my Language to direct the People to what i am trying to say. Sometimes it just don't comes to my Mind, how to say it in english, so i translate my 'german' Thoughts in english Words, and the Result is stupid and senseless.


I'm soo sorry for that. I'd better keep my Mouth shut.

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actually, Condor's Description is what i would have meant and said,if i would be able to. Thanks for that.


Anyways, i says me, that have to work a LOT on my Language to direct the People to what i am trying to say. Sometimes it just don't comes to my Mind, how to say it in english, so i translate my 'german' Thoughts in english Words, and the Result is stupid and senseless.


I'm soo sorry for that. I'd better keep my Mouth shut.


No need to, as there is others here that can expand on what you write. To help some of our technically challenged members, understand what is written, if needed.

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I'm soo sorry for that. I'd better keep my Mouth shut.


Didn't mean it to be demeaning in any way Squeeze, and I hope you didn't take it that way, and if you did I deeply apologize. It was more of a tongue-in-cheek response. Heck I knew what you meant, and if i knew, that's really saying something..... Sometimes things get interpreted differently, and I was just trying to clear some of it up..... Keep the responses coming......

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hey squeeze! man i was just clowning around. i understood "perfectly well", what you were saying.

sorry if i sounded like i was making fun of your english. i assure you i was not.

man if i had to join a primarily German group, they would never hear a peep out of me. i couldn't even say hello!

just jt

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Hey Folks,


i didn't feel offended in any Ways. Therefore no need to apologize.


It's just like i wrote. In some Situations, even in technical Discussions, one can't translate one Language to another Word by Word. The english Language uses a lot of different Terms, that's while chatting and in technical Matters. Also my Grammatics is poor, i know that.


As i never sat a foot on a english spoken Country, it is quite challenging to write in english Terms, and like it happened here above, sometimes i have to work and only Time for a short Answer.


Until now, i thought 'better a short Answer than nothing', but after i rereaded the Thread and read how an english spoken describes the same Issue, i felt ashamed. And, maybe in some Sadness also, i did write my Quote. I like Jokes and love to laugh, even about my myselves, but this made me thinking about what am i doing here. I have no right to blame anybody about my Language than myself. Like Norbert Haug, Director of Motorsports for Daimler-Benz and McLaren-Mercedes Formula1 Team, used to say, 'there is a Lot of Room for Improvement' :D :D :D


And, as you might have noticed meanwhile, i can't keep my Mouth shut. Maybe a bit more closed than before, not meaning to held back anything, but to make sure that it is understable what i have to say. Anything other would make my Time and Effort worthless for the Guy who needs an Answer. And for those who won't get my Quote, there is a 'Ignore'-Button, which can be used.

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Heck Squeeze, I think you do a great job with your translation. Some people I know, who have lived in America all their lives, don't put their thoughts down, in print, as well as you do. You have lots of technical info to share. Keep up the good work!! :thumbsup2:

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Heck, Squeeze, datierte ich ein Mädchen von Wien und versuchte, Deutsches zu erlernen, und noch muß ich zu Alta Vista für Übersetzung gehen! :confused24: (ich kann deutsche Kreuzworträtsel mit einem Wörterbuch bearbeiten!)


Sie haben nichts, über beschämt zu sein! Ich bin nicht sogar sicher, wieviel sinnvoll dieses ist. Ich wünsche, daß mein Deutsch 1/10. so gutes wie Ihr Englisch war.


Keep up the good work!


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