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Any good books?


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I keep thinking about picking up some books to read now and again, motorcycle related, and there are so many out there!! From journeys to guides, and everything in between.


So let's hear it, what are some of your favorite motorcycle-oriented books, and what category would you put them in?


Example: Proficient Motorcycling (training/tips/tricks/etc.)


:sign bring it on:

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Ron Ayers - Riding the Wind - Tale of the Iron Butt Rally


Neil Peart (yes, that Neil Peart of Rush) - Ghost Rider. Fabulous book about his recovery from the loss of his wife and daughter in one year. His recover consisted of riding his BMW until the wheels fell off.


There are a couple of other books about riding by Mr. Peart also.





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It's not a motorcycle book, but it's the best road trip book ever written ... Blue Highways: A Journey Across America by William Least Heat Moon.




Curt, you beat me to it. This has got to be one of the best reads on traveling around the country. I have at least one hard back copy and a couple of paperback copies laying around somewhere.


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Curt, you beat me to it. This has got to be one of the best reads on traveling around the country. I have at least one hard back copy and a couple of paperback copies laying around somewhere.



I should know most of it by memory by now...I read it cover to cover every couple of years (I've got a tattered paperback I bought back in the late 90s when I was on an AF TDY). It sits on a bookshelf in my basement....if I'm looking for something else, I almost always end up picking it up and reading a chapter or two :). Different style writers, but I do the same thing with my Tony Hillerman books as well.

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Neil Peart (yes, that Neil Peart of Rush) - Ghost Rider. Fabulous book about his recovery from the loss of his wife and daughter in one year. His recover consisted of riding his BMW until the wheels fell off.
My grandpa told me at one time to pick this one up. He said it was a really good one.


Curt, you beat me to it. This has got to be one of the best reads on traveling around the country. I have at least one hard back copy and a couple of paperback copies laying around somewhere.


Cool to see some overlap in what people have read. I'll have to check this one out as well.


Anyone ever read "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance"?

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Anyone ever read "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance"?


I tried many years ago but just could not get into it.

In Blue Highways, The author spent the 3rd day or so in Jonesborough, TN, which is the oldest town in TN, which is also where I graduated high school. He told stories about Jonesborough that I had never heard before.

He called it blue highways because in olden days the color of the secondary roads were colored blue and like me, he despises interstates.

Any good used book store should have a copy or two.


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Here are three that will help keep you alive!!!!! They sure helped me become a better rider!!!!!



Proficient Motorcycling: The Ultimate Guide to Riding Well (Second Edition) By David L. Hough

ISBN-13: 9781933958354 - ISBN-10: 1933958359


More Proficient Motorcycling : Mastering the Ride By Daivd L. Hough

ISBN-13: 9781931993036 - ISBN-10: 1931993033


Street Strategies : A Survival Guide for Motorcyclists By David L. Hough

ISBN-13: 9781889540696 - ISBN-10: 1889540692

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Here are three that will help keep you alive!!!!! They sure helped me become a better rider!!!!!



Proficient Motorcycling: The Ultimate Guide to Riding Well (Second Edition) By David L. Hough

ISBN-13: 9781933958354 - ISBN-10: 1933958359


More Proficient Motorcycling : Mastering the Ride By Daivd L. Hough

ISBN-13: 9781931993036 - ISBN-10: 1931993033


Street Strategies : A Survival Guide for Motorcyclists By David L. Hough

ISBN-13: 9781889540696 - ISBN-10: 1889540692



+1 ... All in my personal library!!


Also, any of the "Twist of the Wrist" series of books by Keith Code. Yes, most lean more to track riding, but you'd be surprised how much actually transfers to street riding. Good stuff in these books!


And, if you want to go a little darker...the book about the Hells Angels by Hunter Thompson is a great read as well.



Edited by FJR Rider
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