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'83 Royale? Advice please...

Guest hirschhs

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Guest hirschhs

I'm currently in Holland on business and came across a beautiful '83 Venture Royale for just over GBP1k (that'd be roughly double in $US I think). It has 60k kilometres and appears unmarked and complete. It has a Club sticker which suggests it's been owned by someone who cares; it's being sold by a dealer.


Now, I ride a K1100 and have to confess that I'd never even seen one of these before (quite rare in the UK and Europe) but to you who know about these things:

1) is the price about right

2) what should I look for

3) what are the strong / weak points?


Any responses gratefully received - I have to say that I have fallen in love with the look of this bike but don't want to throw money away! My plan (assuming I go for it) would be to use it as a second bike - a fun curiosity rather than a hard-driven daily workhorse.


regards and thanks to all


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Not sure how good the price is, since I'm not sure what they are going for on the other side of the pond. We have a member here in London who may be able to help with the idea of the price. As for any weaknesses, there is a problem with 2nd gear. I'd find out if that fix has been done. Other then that they are great bikes. If you look in the member list under all members hit the letter "g" for greg in london which is his screen name on here.

Good luck, and even if you don't get the bike you're more then welcome to stick around. We have folks that ride all sorts of bikes on here not just ventures.



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First of all...they are a nice bike and you would enjoy it very much.

The price may seem high for our US friends...but they have a differant market...our bikes in Canada are more costly than theirs. So without knowing what the usual market is for touring bikes, I couldnt say if thats a good price or not. For here...its not bad.


Now for some things to look for.


Second gear is known to go-you can test it by driving it and getting on the gas hard while in second....if it pops out then the second gear is gone.


83's had weak point at the lower frame around the center stand area. They have been known to break but are easily fixed or the area built up by a good welder.


My first 83 was new when I bought it.....I had the stator burn out after about 8000km and the water pump impeller also went (made of plastic and replaced with a metal one)

The other stuff like air suspension may give errors but this is also a easy fix.


Normal stress cracks around the trunk or other plastic areas can be easily repaired.


The motors are the best part of these bikes and are basically still the same even in the newest Ventures....great longevity with proper maintanance.


I cant think of anything else right now.

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Most 83 to early 85 ventures will have the 2nd gear fail due to a design flaw in the transmission. It costs $2000-$2500 here in the USA to get 2nd gear fixed. easiest way to tell is to ride the bike and get on it HARD in second. if it skips like the clutch is going, second gear is going bad. 60Km is not many miles and if 2nd gear has been babied it may not manifest a problem for you.

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Guest hirschhs

thanks Margaret, Rick and Tim for your help.. can't believe how fast you guys are!! Greg from London has also been in contact so I'm feeling pretty good about this at the moment. I'll be going to pick up a couple of screens (my k11 and my wife's yamaha 600 both need new perspex and it's cheaper over here) from the dealer on Saturday so I'll take it out for a spin if it's still there!


I'll let you know how I get on ;-)


many thanks


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Looking forward to hearing how it goes. If you get it and the 2nd gear hasn't been done yet you can do it yourself. We have a few guys (my husband included) that have done it.




And for plane fare and beer, he will likely come over and fix yours - if you ask nicely. However, you will have to chill the beer in something other than a Lucas refrigerator.



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Guest hirschhs

I can post banana splits :banana::banana:in exchange for advice! They might arrive a little worse for wear but hey.. it's thought that counts right?!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest hirschhs

well, sorry to keep you all in suspense.. In know you have all been pming each other to see who knows the big news 'Did he buy the '83 on not?' Folks, you can relax, save your typing fingers - it had been sold when I arrived fresh faced and bushy tailed to take it out. I mean just sold! Oh well, never mind.. The hunt is now on to try and find others in the uk/europe. Meanwhile, thanks for your warm welcome, I'll continue to chat with you guys if you don't mind a BMW interloper poking around amongst your saddlebags...:hurts:

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well, sorry to keep you all in suspense.. In know you have all been pming each other to see who knows the big news 'Did he buy the '83 on not?' Folks, you can relax, save your typing fingers - it had been sold when I arrived fresh faced and bushy tailed to take it out. I mean just sold! Oh well, never mind.. The hunt is now on to try and find others in the uk/europe. Meanwhile, thanks for your warm welcome, I'll continue to chat with you guys if you don't mind a BMW interloper poking around amongst your saddlebags...:hurts:

No problem we have other folks that have BMW's. Around here we don't care what you ride as long as you ride. Of course the Harley guys get picked on, but it's all in good fun.

Better luck next time you see one.

Heck if you ever get to come across the pond let us know, we'd love to meet you.



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