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Everything posted by dnparker

  1. We have progress. I programed Brian's latest file into the Ignitech TCI and the motor actually started. It's running. Not great but I don't know how long it's been since it last ran at all and that wasn't great, even then. The carbs need cleaning, at least they need to have gas run through them for a while. The bike needs other things; I'd like to replace the fuse box for instance, but at last, it runs. Dan
  2. Hi again, Well, this is disappointing. I've checked my Ignitech unit against Brian's wiring diagram and it's fine. I just now tested both the TCI and the 6 pin plug on the bike wiring that goes into the TCI and they all check out fine. I don't find any of the 4 pickup leads to be shorted to ground and they all have pretty much the same resistance to the black lead. They also have the same res to each other. So, I am left with two TCI units that are not firing the bike properly and none of the tests that have been suggested show any problems. Could the #3 pickup coil be bad without showing in these tests? Dan
  3. Brian, I prefer to swap the TCI wiring so I'll give it a try tomorrow. I'm glad we found something wrong that can be corrected. It's no fun to have something not work and not be able to find anything wrong with it. Thank you all for the help. I'll get the wires swapped and try it again and let you know. Dan
  4. Well, I swapped the order of the pickups and now I do have spart; at all 4 cylinders. The motor pops loudly but doesn't seem to be firing so the timing is way off. The software in the TCI is the one Brian sent me. I put it into the TCI earlier this morning. Dan
  5. The 1300 motor is from an 88 and the TCI that runs 3 cylinders is 41R-10. I don't think that's the problem. Seems like the problem is in the TCI still. Dan
  6. No change. I checked the wires and the blues are going where you say they should. I set the sensors to NO and the inputs to off and still no spark. I ordered the TCI just over a week ago. It was shipped from them 4/20/2012.
  7. Hi, I bought the cable from Ignitech along with the TCI so that's fine. The TCI is V80. Brian sent me an ignition file he said is known to work and I've just now followed his instructions to program the TCI, which seemed to go OK but the bike still doesn't fire at all. I'll attach photos of the wiring.
  8. Hi everyone. I'm a brand new trial member and I found your place specifically through this thread. About a month ago I purchased an 84 Venture project that had a 1300 engine swapped for a broken 1200. The previous owner had swapped the good 13 for the bad 12 and he told me he had it running but it quit and he couldn't get it to run again. Anyway, he sold me the entire thing incuding the bad 1200 engine; he'd even bought an 88 wiring harness with TCI box that he incuded. So, I have an 84 Venture (not the Royal) that isn't damaged but didin't fire with the old TCI. I bought another TCI off ebay and the bike starts with it but there's no spark on cyl #3. I've checked the pickup coils for resistance and they seem fine. I've swapped the coil leads from cyl #2 which fires fine to #3 and that fires fine, so I'm sure the coil, plug and plug wire is fine on #3. All I could figure was that the TCI was bad, so and this is where this thread comes in - I searched online for someone selling new ignition boxes for the Venture and I found this thread. I ordered a TCI-P4 unit from Ignitech, it has arrived and what do you think? Nothing!! The bike won't fire or even cough. It isn't even as good as the old TCI it's repacing. I've emailed Ignitech for help but they may be on vacation, I don't know. I installed the software and connected their unit to my laptop and when I hit the starter button it does show rpm and pickup coil signals but there's no spark at the plugs. I expected their unit to plug and play and I don't know where to go from here. Can I use their software to tell me what's going on? Any help would be appreciated. Dan
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