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10 Good

Personal Information

  • Name
    Chris Karges


  • Location
    Seattle, United States


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  • Home Country
    United States


  • Bike Year and Model
    1988 Bayliner Capri
  1. Apologies for jumping in here w/ my own issues, but this thread came up in my Google search and I'm desperately looking for some guidance before I start throwing more money than the boat is worth to a marine mechanic!!! Any help would be appreciated, I noticed Saddlebum had some great input in this thread, but I couldn't figure out how to message him directly. I have an old 88 Bayliner 2150 Capri Cuddy w/ a GM 5L 305 V8 w/ points & condensor etc. The boat runs flawlessly from a cold start, and runs, stops and starts fine on a leisurely 7 knot cocktail cruise. But if the engine is worked harder, like taking the kids tubing, or cruising for a while at 3000 rpm, it suddenly will have difficulty starting and maintaining idle, and when it does turn over, the idle is weak, causing it to immediately die when put into forward or reverse gear. Very frustrating, has left me stranded on the water for an hour or more until I presume it cools a bit and I am able to just barely get it in gear without it dying so I can get back to the dock. In the morning, it starts up and idles just fine. Thanks again for any input!!!!! Chris
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