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  1. When I was in High School in 1975 I bought a 64 Impala from the VP of DR Pepper. It was his company car in 64, 65 and 66. It was a 4 door special ordered with 350 HP 327, had every option they had, power seats, power windows, AC, power glide transmission. Was black with black interior and lots of chrome. Had AM/FM radio with power antenna which was up front and straight up instead of on the back and angled back. He had bought it and gave to his mother when he got a new company car and when she got too old to drive he put it up for sale. Paid $800 for it and had 98,000 miles but was in great shape. Had a blast in it, would just blow away all the other Impalas in Dallas area with 327s. Would drop it down in Low and then shift to Drive at about 70 MPH and would smoke the back tires at 70 for about a second. Had a guy run a red light and hit me in 78 and totaled it. Miss that one out of all the autos I have owned.

  2. I had mine done April 25. Right shoulder and I am right handed. Badly torn rotator cuff, one tendon of bicep, 2 bone spurs and a little arthritis. First 2 weeks is pretty rough. First week arm in sling, but start doing exercises with rope and pulley for recovery of range of motion day one, 6 or more times a day . Absolutely no lifting anything heavier than a toothbrush first couple of weeks. Took about 2 weeks for my full range of motion to come back. The key is to do what the Dr tells you, he told me if the rope exercises hurt take more pain pills. You do not want to end up with lock shoulders. Soreness lasted about 3 weeks then starts to ease off. Been 2 months and still probably another month before I even think about riding again. Be real careful trying to pick up anything of weight. You will know when you do.


    I would not even try working on the bike unless it's on a stand and you are not using that arm to lift, push or pull on anything.

  3. Went thru the same thing with my Grandfather, he was in WWII. Since we didn't have his dd214 number could not get anything. Said records were destroyed in the warehouse fire. After about 6 months trying one of his friends said when they got back from the War had to register at the county court house. My Mom contacted them and it took about 2 weeks digging thru files in basement and they found it. Once Mom had that she was able to get him benefits and even got his medals replaced.

  4. Summer of 72 I was 14. Went with my neighbors to the Lake for a long weekend to stay in a cabin. When we got back home there was a 60 something (don't remember the exact year) Honda 90 sitting in the garage. Dad had bought it for my upcoming 15 birthday. One of the happiest kids in the neighborhood. Been hooked ever since.

    1960s Honda 90.jpg


    Then I bought a 60 something Yamahas Twin Jet 100.

    1960s Yamaha Twin Jet 100.jpeg


    At one point I had the Yamaha 100, my Dad had a Yamaha RD350, my Mom had a Yamaha RD250, my brother had a Suzuki 80, one of my Uncles had a Honda 350 Scrambler and my Grandfather had a Suzuki 90 with the fat tires. We rode together whenever we got the chance.

  5. Need some help. Long story short put new Polk speakers in my 07 RSV with a lot of help from this site. much improved over stock speakers. Then went to put in amp and screwed up and got a wire mixed up that was hot all the time to one of the speakers (my own stupid mistake, always check and double check). Blew the fuse for the audio. Put all the wires back to stock hookup and changed fuse but now remote controller on handlebar will not turn on. Don't know if it is the remote or the radio head unit. Pinwall has radio for $189 but no remotes. Can find new remotes but they are over $600. How do I figure out weather it is the head unit or the remote that is bad or both.


    Any and all help appreciated.

  6. When I was younger and worked construction we used to send the new guys helping the electricians for a wire stretcher. One guy was gone all afternoon. The next morning when he showed up we asked him where the heck he was and he said if you guys are dumb enough to try and pull that one me I just took the afternoon off. We all laughed. Also used to send newbies to go get us a squeegee sharpener or a broom straightener.




    The following questions were set in last year's GED examination

    These are genuine answers (from 16 year olds)............and they WILL breed.


    Q. Name the four seasons

    A. Salt, pepper, mustard and vinegar


    Q. Explain one of the processes by which water can be made safe to drink

    A. Flirtation makes water safe to drink because it removes large pollutants like grit, sand, dead sheep and canoeists


    Q. How is dew formed

    A. The sun shines down on the leaves and makes them perspire


    Q. What causes the tides in the oceans

    A. The tides are a fight between the earth and the moon. All water tends to flow towards the moon, because there is no water on the moon, and nature abhors a vacuum. I forget where the sun joins the fight


    Q. What guarantees may a mortgage company insist on

    A. If you are buying a house they will insist that you are well endowed


    Q. In a democratic society, how important are elections

    A. Very important. Sex can only happen when a male gets an election


    Q. What are steroids

    A. Things for keeping carpets still on the stairs (Shoot yourself now, there is little hope)


    Q.. What happens to your body as you age

    A. When you get old, so do your bowels and you get intercontinental


    Q. What happens to a boy when he reaches puberty

    A. He says goodbye to his boyhood and looks forward to his adultery (So true)


    Q. Name a major disease associated with cigarettes

    A. Premature death


    Q. What is artificial insemination

    A. When the farmer does it to the bull instead of the cow


    Q. How can you delay milk turning sour

    A. Keep it in the cow (Simple, but brilliant)


    Q. How are the main 20 parts of the body categorised (e.g. The abdomen)

    A. The body is consisted into 3 parts - the brainium, the borax and the abdominal cavity. The brainium contains the brain, the borax contains the heart and lungs and the abdominal cavity contains the five bowels: A, E, I,O,U.. (wth!)


    Q. What is the fibula?

    A. A small lie


    Q. What does 'varicose' mean?

    A. Nearby


    Q. What is the most common form of birth control

    A. Most people prevent contraception by wearing a condominium (That would work)


    Q... Give the meaning of the term 'Caesarean section'

    A. The caesarean section is a district in Rome


    Q. What is a seizure?

    A. A Roman Emperor. (Julius Seizure, I came, I saw, I had a fit)


    Q. What is a terminal illness

    A. When you are sick at the airport. (Irrefutable)


    Q. Give an example of a fungus. What is a characteristic feature?

    A. Mushrooms. They always grow in damp places and they look like umbrellas


    Q. Use the word 'judicious' in a sentence to show you understand its meaning

    A. Hands that judicious can be soft as your face. (OMG)


    Q. What does the word 'benign' mean?

    A. Benign is what you will be after you be eight (brilliant)


    Q. What is a turbine?

    A. Something an Arab or Shreik wears on his head


    Q. How can a girl know if she is going to have a baby?

    A. If she doesn't demonstrate in 3 months she may be frequent

  8. I was 7 and remember my Mom and I were at my Aunts apartment visiting when it came on her black and white TV that Kennedy was shot. My Mom and Aunt both cried for a long time and we spent the entire day with my Aunt till my Dad got there after he got off work.

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