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Posts posted by friesman

  1. Well Brian,Even if we never have one here You all are always Welcome at my place here and the riding is FANTASTIC..I work week on week off so just plan on being here when I am on my off week! Tom


    Ok you just may regret saying that if I show up on your doorstep sometime!! Actually i was thinking of takling a tour late next spring but its too early to tell where I am going, but you may see me around sometime.


    youre welcome up here too if youre riding across western canada we are about 7 hours west of Winnipeg or about an 8 hours ride east of Calgary on the transcanada so it makes a great stopover point. (its all prairie scenery so it isnt traditional but Ive heard its a lot like Texas with the agriculture and cattle ranches)



  2. Well Im in Texas and thats too far South for our Canadian friends.NE and NW Members also. Maybe one day here but have to be in a cooler time! Too hot in July and August! Tom


    Texas would be great for this Canadian, and its central to a lot of ppl, all I gotta do is go south, you guys are a bit closer than Kitchener, lol



  3. I've often seen people here who are looking for driver's backrests for the first generation Ventures. Markland used to make one but of course it is no longer in production. They do come up on Ebay from time to time but usually bring top dollar.


    I was wondering how many people know that Utopia still makes a backrest for the first gen. At least for the '86-'93 I think. It requires a bit of work to install but really doesn't look that difficult.




    I got a saddlemens seat so I could have the backrest for my 85 1st gen, geez I am thinking that woulda been a lot cheaper ....:mo money::mo money:



  4. Great question...I was wondering too, what is the minimum size of enclosed trailer you would need for an RSV.


    I have a 6by 12 Continental Cargo and it gets tight side to side around my 85 1st gen if you put the bike on a side stand but when its in a chock its not bad to get around the bike. But I have about 20 inches to the front from the tire and about a foot to the backdoor from the trunk.


    I realize its not a 2nd gen but the dimensions arent too different.



  5. I just use a webcam and then I downloaded some free software called yawcam to set up my webcam as a security cam. You can select an area to watch in the software and then set sensitivity for it to set up to take apic and upload it to a file on your computer when something moves in that area. You can also set it up to share the pics out to the web so you can watch you place while youre at work.

    if you want to have a look at how it works go to my cam at and keep an eye on the black trailer and the ford escape while youre there! lol



  6. Seems like the 85's are overrepresented in this thread. My Brown seat was the same way so bought a saddlemans seat with the sliding post backrest. (but it only came in black)

    But my passengers backrest was getting the same stickness, so I went to a Fibrenew dealer who specializes in fixing all kinds of fabrics and upholstery and he managed to stop the stickiness and dye the backrest black to match my new seat for 50 bucks. So I would recommend Fibrenew to anyone having that issue. http://www.fibrenew.com/automotive


    BTW I have the old brown seat, but its still a bit sticky but mostly crusty if anyone wants it make me an offer. Perhaps you can get Fibrenew or some other renewal company to fix it for you cheap!



  7. Harbor Freight has a great little trailer it seems. The catch is I am in Canada, and they won't ship here. I've looked into getting it shipped to a friend in the US, but then the cost to get it here is not worh it. Any information on a company in Canada that sells a similar trailer to the Harbor Freight trailer? I've searched the internet, but maybe I am missing something...:think:


    Which harbor freight trailer do you mean? A while back Princess Auto had a folding trailer, but I think it might have been a clear out.

    in the past 3 weeks I have seen 3 get sold in usedregina.ca, so check if your local online classified, probably something like usedyourcity.ca these classified sites seem to be all over Canada now and you can catch some good prices if youre patient and watch. I know the one trailer sold for 275 bucks!. A buddy bought it and had it painted and put new tires on and its headed to Sturgis shortly.



  8. I got the notification this morning that the clearview xxl (i dont know the model number, but the biggest they make for a 1st gen) with grey tint and vent will be shipped today or tomorrow!!!

    Anyone want a small Slipstream windshield for cheap? If youre going to be down at the west Coast rally in August I will even deliver for free.



  9. I decided to go ahead and order a new "i"clutch basket to see if it will help tone down the whine a little. My local dealer here in Perth wants more than $450 just for the part.

    After reading thru the threads here I found Mr. Cycles part no. 4xy-16150-09-00 and checking the site its listed at $206.78. Once I put my order in the amount of $226.00 was requested for freight. I was expecting to pay a few bucks but that seems like daylight robbery to me or is it to make sure it costs me $450 whichever way I go.

    I'm trying now to get a quote from boats.net store. They quote $227.92 plus shipping.




    I have come to the conclusion that shipping anything from the US to anywhere else costs a fortune. Do you know any of themembers here that you can have it shipped to in the US and then have them send it as a personal item? Would that help? It cost me about 60 bucks just to get a wheel chock shipped up to me from California to western Canada.

    It sucks!!

    I think I am going to make a list of what I might need for the next year and have alook for it all when I am in California next month and just bring it back and save shipping.....if I have room...



  10. Here in Ontario if you do 50kph ( 30mph ) over ANY posted speed limit

    you lose your licence for a week, and have your bike towed away. As many people can testify too .The media usually advises when that happens.

    That's before any court imposed penalty.


    Same thing here in Saskatchewan. If u get caught 50kms over any speed limit it is considered dangerous driving and if youre convicted its a criminal offense with 6 months of walking as you lose your drivers licence.


    Also if you get caught going past highway workers or a stopped police cruiser with lights on at more than 50 kmh the fines start at about 175 bucks and go up 5 bucks a km.


    Brian:mo money::mo money:

  11. My 85 VR has variable cruise already on it and I thought every 1st gen VR 84 and up had it also? I am sure the gurus will be by to let you know whether I am right or wrong.


    Ahhh just had a thought , I know but I didnt hurt myself, lol. But , is your ride a Venture or Venture Royale? Only the Venture Royales had the cruise control, so you may be able to find one on ebuy for a venture royale and make it fit so it will look like oem.



  12. Warden working on this thing and I'm lost!!! Maybe clean it is way to go but what will we loose??



    Thats why I always use 2 drives, the c drive is just for my operating sytem like xp and the other drive is where I store everything. Its usually the operating system that needs rebuilding so when its separate you just rebuild your c drive and everything is still available on your second drive when you rebuild.

    And I use windows backup to copy everything on my 2nd drive to a firewire drive weekly just in case. :2cents::2cents:



  13. Dan.

    it might be a lot less trouble , to do a clean re-install, but bear i mind, you are only allowed % usages of your install cd, then you must purchase a new key gen numbers set, or a whole new xp cd.

    i would also take the earlier advice, and do a c d backup.

    just jt



    If you bought XP and own the cd you can remove and install as many times as you like, but you may have to call Microsoft after a few times just to confirm with them what is happening.


    I had this Virus/spyware a couple of days ago, my machine just kept clearing the desktop but I managed to get my Sophos A/V up and it found and removed the virus. Perhaps go to a friends computer and get the free MCAfee Stinger removal tool for the virus, put it on a thumbdrive and run it directly from the thumbdrive on your machine. You can find it at vil.nai.com/vil/stinger


  14. I had a similar issue with an ebay seller and I called my mastercard people and they set up a charge back so the total came off my account.

    As I understand it then the Seller had to prove he was actually entitled to the money and I also had to fax details to M/C as well to substantiate my side of the story.

    As the story goes, the seller didnt contest my claim and I got my money back.


    I hope it works out for you!



  15. Mac user here.


    Whats a virus?




    There are Mac viruses out there, not many, granted but they are out there and some are nasty. Also if you dont have an A/V program any documents you share could be infected making you a carrier that could infect a friends or coworkers machine.

    Go download a free one, theres some listed in my post above and help all of us out, please.


    Brian :2cents:

  16. In Canada, check with your broker or find a broker that deals with Jevco. They specialize in bikes. I pay about $650 for a year full coverage with $500 deductable.

    I have not found anyone cheaper. Trust me, I keep trying.


    Thats is precisely what bugs my butt around here is that I do not have any choices. The government run insurance company is the only insurance company I can buy my car or bike insurance from. Even if it was cheap I should still have the choice on whether to buy from them or not!!!


    Brian:mo money::mo money:

  17. Here in Sask. we have to buy our insurance thru the "mother" corporation (Saskatchewan Govt Insurance)and my 85 1st Gen costs me 749 bucks a year for 1mil liability, estimated value replacement less my 700 buck deductible. PLus they know that I can only ride for a max of 7 months most years! Thats only 264 bucks a year less than I pay for my 1 year old SUV that I drive year round! for the same type of coverage.

    What bugs me is that I have no choice, I have to support this oldschool govt agency and if I have an issue with them I cant even change....




  18. there are several posts in here from several people that have replaced the oem speakers. I went with the 4 inch pioneers from walmart for about 40 bux or so, some guys like the Polk units for more bass and more money. Taking the fairing covers off and replacing speakers is probably about an hour for both. When yo go to lidt the black covers off the fairing the speakers are on a connecter on most models to make it easier to disconnect and take it to a workbench to change speakers and do your soldering.


    Here is a couple of pics when I swapped out the oem audio and speakers

    http://picasaweb.google.com/friesman1/Audioswap_08 :mo money:



  19. I was getting flashbacks watching that. It reminded me a lot of Puerto Plata, I was told noone has to take a drivers test or even write a basic rules of the road test. You just pays your 5 bucks and go according to the resort operators. I originally thought I would rent a bike or scooter when I got there , and people looked at me like I was crazy and I didnt know why until I got there....lol



  20. hmmmmmm... so, are you saying your virus programs weren't up-to-date or are you saying that even if you have up-to-date virus programs and firewalls, you can still become infected??? (just ribbin ya) I also am a network admin and although I don't manage as many systems as you do, I can say that my shop has not had an infection in the 2 years I've been here (touch on wood). We use Symantec Corporate and we subscribe to Anti-virus & Spyware service thru our firewall supplier.


    I should have said that According to our A/V console center our software has dealt 75 mac and 1500 pc possible infections, (even more spyware) and has quarantined or deleted the files involved. We use Sophos A/V, Spyware removal and firewall and have not had an actual case of infection either, ...I dont know whether thats good luck or good management but I would prefer to think the latter...lol!


    My point was that Macs DO get viruses, although in nowhere near the numbers that PC's do.


    There is no reason to worry so much about all these hoaxes and junk if youre proprerly protected...so I just wish people wouldnt forward eveyrthing on to everyone else, because its almost always a hoax.



  21. I'm Glad I Have Mac, Never have virus, and never bought antivirus software.


    Macs may not show any viruses or affect a mac, but, if you do not have antivirus software you can still spread a virus to other unsuspecting users. Everyone should use antivirus software as a mac user opening up an infected word document or email may not get infected, but when they email or share the file the next person may have windows or linux and may get the virus you just passed along.

    We use antivirus software on all 3200 of our macs at work just to prevent this from happening.

    PS there are getting to be more mac viruses all the time, get protected, in our shop last month we cleaned approximatelty 75 infected macs (of course in the same time we had 1500 instances of pc infections)



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