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Posts posted by friesman

  1. Your problens are almost identical to mine, I finally gave up and swapped out the whole unit to a Automotive Kenwood head unit.

    If you want an amp to experiment with to eliminate the possibility of making yours unusable, I can send my old one down to you, if you want it. I just want it out of my way and youre welcome to it, if you can use it.



  2. Hey good to see ya coming on a tour thru the prairies. If you get time for a coffee and a chin wag, or want another rider along give me a call my info is in the profile. My mother was actually born in Rouleau and I spent quite a lot of my choldhood on a farm about 5 miles from there.



  3. Hey has anyone got any info on bringing Trikes into Canada from the states??? I was told yseterday that if I was to convert my bike to a Trike or buy a Trike in the USA and tried to register it in Canada they would not allow it. This came from Canadian Customs.


    Ive seen quite a few around town, so they are getting them from somewhere. Call Canada revenue and Customs and get the procedures and policies. Or better yet your provincial highway traffic dept. or the OPP to ask your question.


    You would prbably have to take it somwhere and have it checked and safetied at your expense, but I dont think customs can dictate what type of unit you can bring into the country.(but I have been wrong on more than one occasion in the past...lol)


    Whether you can get it insured or not is up to the issuer, however.



  4. Idiots is waayyy to tame a word to use for bags of skin that do that type of thing to other person posessions. I do not call them people cause I dont think they are civilized enough to give them that designation.



  5. We have the same problem in Canada the westerners think I am in the east and that easterners think we are in the West, and we are in the middle.


    Also I had to work all week as well but was able to take one day off, only for the Muskoka ride. BUt we were around in the evenings




    Yeah, but the geographic center from east to west in Canada is marked on a sign post just east of Winnipeg on the Trans Canada Highway. :stirthepot::stirthepot:


    Youre east man! At least in my opinion...but dont worry it dont matter where you are, as long as youre ridin! lol!



  6. tell him to swing in by work, the orange and yellow grain terminal on the west side of swift current:missingtooth:


    Message delivered. But I think he is headed northwest to Saskatoon on hiway 11 to get to Wainright AB.



  7. Rocket has stayed lasy night and tonight up here in Regina SK. with me. He got in pretty late last night and was pretty wiped out so he actually almost speechless. lol!

    We took a ride out to Regina Beach tonight and had a good deep dish pizza.

    I am not sure what his plans are but whatever hes enjoying himself on vacation.


    He has said he really enjoyed his stay with grandpagak and family and had a blast meeting everyone everywhere he has been.



  8. This Country Music festival takes place every year for the last 25 years about 17 miles north or Regina Sk. Canada. There is about 25000 people there daily and everyone stays in the campgrounds and just has one heck of a good time. This year they had everyone from Toby Keith to Dierks Bentley, on Sunday afternoons lineup. I have a couple of pics and one video of the campground and you can see the stage waayy off in the distance, but it will give you the idea of the geography.


    Go to http://picasaweb.google.com/friesman1/CravenCountryMusicJamboree2008



  9. sorry to offend or get anyone upset here........i wasnt trying to sell copies or anything.


    I have made it a habit at home of copying dvd's , especially the ones for my daughter as she tends to be anything but gentle with them and numerous times has rendered them unwatchable again..so I copy them and give her access to the copy and put the original away...i have yet to find one that I dont have the right program to copy.

    i dont generally make copies for people or offer to, guess I should have kept my mouth shut...:ignore:


    No, dont keep more mouth shut we like your ideas, and want to hear more. Its just that what you do privately is different than what we have to do here in the forum. We cant be seen as condoning illegal copying.

    I apologize to you if we made you feel uneasy about your suggestions and I guess it should have been worded differently in hindsight.



  10. Good for you Kitesquid! I find those types of DVD's very informative but after youve seen them a few times they just sit on your shelf. I decided to do some house cleaning myself and have I have handed my copy of Ride like a Pro IV off to Rocket when he was here last night and he agrees to send it on when he is done with it.


    He was kinda wiped out when he got here late last night from Grandpagaks place in LaPorte MN, but he made it fine.



  11. :think:Remembering that I know nothing about how computers work....and this may be impossible...but is there any way that there could be a map put on the website for each state, with the ability for members to "red line" favorite routes that they have traveled. For instance, Gary and I plan on going to Kentucky next summer. I have never been to Illinois(except Galena and Savanna), Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky etc. Neither one of us like interstate travel and love the back roads. It would be nice to be able to see some routes that others have traveled and really enjoyed.

    We travel to Central and Southwestern Wisconsin all the time. Yeah, the Great River Road (35)is nice, but the smaller roads are so much twistier, scenic and less traveled. It would be nice to let others know which ones are worth riding.

    I know members are good about writing roads down, but it would be nice to be able to see it on an actual state map. I know we would have really used it this summer on our trip to the Black Hills.

    I don't know if it's even possible or how much work it would be, just thought I'd ask!


    I had a similar thing in mind, as I just wondered about uploading a .kmz shortcut from Google Earth into a message or thread. That would make it real easy to show ppl what youre talking about. (I tried inserting a .kmz file one time a while back and it wasnt recognized, but maybe there is something I am missing)



  12. I wasnt intending for Ventureriders to get in to a copying thing here, as its a big legal headache that wont go away, so we cant get into that here, period!

    I was thinking if youve got something like a Ride like a pro DVD and have seen it a few times and dont want to view anymore but think someone else would get value out of watching it, then post it here for someone else to view.

    Then they would post it again after they are done with it and then send it on.


    Would something like that work around here? Everyone seems so community minded I think it might.



  13. Has anyone thought about setting up some sort of lending library for riding dvd's and instructional videos? To be honest I havnt thought logistics yet, but the idea is intrigueing to me. It would be a good way to share movies about biking and especially the ride like a pro series.

    Any ideas whether this is a good or bad idea would be appreciated.



  14. I dont know if this has ever been posted before but its a Seafoam vid on all the uses of their products.

    I didnt know that you could use it for all that stuff, kinda interesting.

    [ame=http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6187290865726229173]Sea Foam Usage Video[/ame]

  15. Some random thoughts. The problem we run into is the topographics of the US. Everything in the middle is flat as a pancake. They don't call it 'The Great Basin' for nothing. Great mountains East of it and great mountains west of it, but nada in the middle. If I wanna to ride on flatlands I'll get on a freeway... Heat is another factor. Anything in the southern US is going to be plain HOT that time of the year. I don't want to spend 10 days riding in an oven. So... the only places that make sense in July... to me at least... is north and middle..ish US..., or change the date to something earlier or later in the year?? Brownsville TX in the winter?? OR...what's wrong with going back to Ft Collins?? All the mechanics are in place, we had great hosts in the Moose Lodge, and we didn't even scratch the surface as far as riding goes. We wouldn't have to start from scratch to organize the thing...


    The only issues with moving the dates are with us northern ppl. In my area, you cant rely on the weather being warm enuff for a long ride much before mid may and by mid sept we are below freezing at night at times. But as its been said before, ya cant please everyone all the time, the best you can hope for is pleasing some people some of the time



  16. Well I, for one, have no idea where they got the idea that "Mid-West" is an area that includes Illinois, Iowa etc. How can you call that West. Mid-America maybe. If we divide the country at the geographic center (somewhere in the hinterlands of Kansas) anything east of Kansas is EAST and visa versa. That's my opinion and I'm sticking with it. :rotf:


    Using that logic Kentucky would be the "Mid-East" and Utah, Nevada would be "Mid-West. :rotf:


    I'm in the same boat as Condor. Not enough time to ride far for a rally. Heck, I didn't even have enough time to do stuff at the Fort Collins rally and that's where I live!! So, either way, I'm screwed until I retire. :rotf:


    I agree the central part of the US is actually around Kansas somewhere. We seem to have the same mistaken ideas going on in Canada as Ontario people (or at least the media) call the area Central Canada, what the heck is that!!! Are they blind or just kinda geographically challenged, heheh.



  17. Well, seeing as we sort of catered to the NorthEast crowd this year, how about the SouthWest next year. Maybe northern Arizona like Flagstaff. There would be some really spectacular rides in that area. Another possibility would be southern Utah which would be in the northern Grand Canyon area but with Bryce Canyon and Zion National Park in the area rides would be a real treat!


    I like this area also, its closer than the west coast for the Eastern people and its got some great scenery and unique stuff other than trees and lakes everywhere...lol



  18. I went to one of the local dealers today as I have a small leak from my valve covers on my 85 1st gen. It leaves a puddle the size of a quarter every time i stop and it drives me nuts!

    I almost fell over when the parts guy said that the gaskets were 38 bucks each! thats gonna cost me 76 bucks to do both sides. I think I gotta check around but I thought I would ask in here to see what you guys are paying for valve cover gaskets.




  19. This is fairly typical if a bike has been sitting for a while. Often you just have to start the engine, hold the rear brake, pull in the clutch and put her in first... The plates probably aren't stuck at all, just stiff from sitting.


    That clutch fluid should be changed just because of the color. Then you should feel about 1/4" of free play at the end of the lever, followed by a firm pull all the way to the handle. On a typical clutch, the plates actually disengage at about 1/2 travel.


    I was wondering about the wisdom of adding about a 1/4 of a can of seafoam to the crancase and let it run for about 5 minutes like the seafoam video says. they say it cleans carbon and varnish out, so it might be good. Seafoam does say to change oil immediatley afterwards.

    Has anyone tried this to clean out an old bike thats been sitting?



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