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Hey Michigan who's riding on Sunday ?


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Havent had the time to be on the site much lately,took the bike out yesterday for a short spin, boy did it feel good since I havent been on it since Oct. Big Mike and I plan to get together on Sunday to go for a ride ( not sure where yet not that it matters ) So if any of you guys want to meet up let us know. It would be good to see some of you.

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Sounds good Eddie. Maybe we can meet at a McDonnell's or something were it's not so crowded and we can let it warm up a little and have a little time to chat. If nothing comes up Diane and I are planing on being at the Northline & I-75 McDonnell's around 10:00am


Have a little work to do on the bike today.changing out the rear end and moving the Sirius radio. "O" and by the way Diane and I have become a life-time Sirius radio member. If I would have done that the first year I would have saved hundreds.


Hope to see you all tomorrow.


AL :7_2_104[1]:

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Now Al we know that Norhtline and 75 is a good hour plus for me. So who,s going to wait until it warms up a little . Mike and I planned to be at Big Boy 8 mile and Haggerty 10:00 a.m. If you want to pick something further north and west than we can talk about a change. Hope its as nice tommorrow as it was today.

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I need to take of the spider webs of the bike this afternoon. If I can make it start may be I'll join you guys at Big Boy. If not, I'll be for the breakfast.


Did you receive the order for the two patches?







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