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Do you watch 24?


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Ahh, my favorite TV show is resuming this Monday after a few years hiatus, and I can't wait.

After accidentally happening upon the premier episode several years ago, I was hooked, and have not missed an episode since.

Jack is Back, baby!


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My wife and daughter are fanatical about Jack Bower,, they have been on the edge of their seats for a long time waiting for 24 to start back up.. I dont watch a lot of TV myself, I am always covered in grease and stink like gas so Tippy dont let me sit down on the couch and watch much but if I did,, ya,, I could see getting hooked on watching Jack and Chloe save the world..... Of course,, everyone knows that Chuck Norris or Clint Eastwood can beat up Keifer Sutherland and its a good thing that Little Joe or Hoss Cartwright, Marshall Dillion, Sargent Saunders (Vic Morrow), The Rifleman (Chuck Connors) or even Granny Clampett arent still around cause they could too!!!!! :backinmyday:

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BIG FAN HERE! I have seen all the episodes atleasr twice. I'm liking the new dark look for Chloe. Man, I can't wait. TEVO is set and ready. I wish it was gonna be more than just twelve episodes though. :thumbsup: :clap2:

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When the series started, every promo showed him screaming at somebody. I decided thayt I didn't want to listen to a screaming match for however long the show was on.

It must be OK tho 'cause a lot of people watch it, just not me.

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