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Does 2nd Gen intercom mute radio?

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We were over to DaCheeda's house to watch the boat races on the Kankakee River (had a great time, tnx. Kevin & Chris) and we went out to the garage to look at his bike. He'd just purchased some Ed-set(?) helmet speakers and mikes, and he mentioned that he had a problem with them. I was listening to them and I noticed that when you use the intercom, it doesn't mute the radio like it does on my 1st. Gen. It's not his helmet speakers/mike because I plugged my J&M setup in and it did the same thing. His intercom is reasonably loud, but his radio just doesn't mute. Is there something that is set wrong OR is there something wrong with his radio OR are all 2nd Gens like this?


Frank D.

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There are settings for the mix of volume of the two. I have edsets and on my trip when I needed to mute the radio I just went to aux when nothing was there or turn the col down all the way on the radio by pushing audio then vol down.


But I liked the radio played through voice at a perfect volume. But when using the CB it did mute it out until there was no modulation on the CB and that can be adjusted by pushing CB twice and when it gets to SQ turn it higher to hear less.

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