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Trunk reflector


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That's how I broke it. I took a 5 meter strip of red 5050's and cut them into 15 LED strips and ran 6 or them with 4 "Knight rider" strips for brake lights. Dropped the reflector, and then stepped on it. :bang head:

I did silicone it back into place and it doesn't look TOO bad actually. If I can find one reasonably priced though, I'll replace it.

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Good luck.

I did the LEDs in the reflector and reinstalled the reflector with hot melt glue, figuring that it waould be easy to remove some day if I ever had to. apparently the hot melt glu did not like winter. Riding in to work the first time it got below 20°F, it was gone when I got to work. Got a new one from ebay for a good price that had some scratches, I was able to buff out the scratches so it looked like new. Then I proceeded to drop it on the floor and break it in half. :bang head::bang head::bang head:

I glued the two halves back together using PVC cement, did some buffing on the seam, you now have to look to find the crack.


They are a lot less expensive if you find one missing 1 or both of the logos, I no longer have a Venture logo on the reflector.

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Anyone have one for sale. Screwed up and broke mine. $50 plus unknown shipping on eBay is the cheapest. For one that isn't broken. Someone has a NOS for (drum roll please) $220:mo money:

Do you mean just the reflector? I have a trunk at home that I can rob one off of, if it is good. I can let you know. PM me if you would like to see one

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