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Mean City Seat Mod


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Anyone had a Mean City Cycle Seat Modification done on their bike. Looking to get the wife's seat done on her Honda VTX 1300, so she can keep up with the old man on our touring adventures. If yes, which grade of drivers seat modification did you select. If this mod works I might try it on my 2nd Gen Venture. Thanks

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No Don,


But have you thought about the Butt Butler Mod? It's only $30 plus shipping and he can get it back much quicker that their current 3 weeks. He hasn't done a VTX seat but he's done all the RSV and TD seats.





What is a "Butt Butler" Mod?

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Sorry Guys,


I was having a little fun with the symbolism of motorcycle seat modifications, where there seem to be several out there today. But, (pun intended) the Butt Butler is really me, where I have been modifying my Venture seats as well as seats of friends since about 1988. And in past responses and posts, I have talked about and described my process.


I just recently did Jerry West's seat off of his 89 and have done several others on this forum (can't recall all of the names). Basically my method is to first flatten out any crown or forard pitch in a seat. Then I cut in what I call a "Tail Bone Relief" which I learned about from a seat modifier named "Papa Jack" who was around the rallies in the late 80s and early 90s. He was pretty old then and I haven't heard anything about him for about 15 years now.


This process takes any pressure off the tail bone and puts it on your sit bones which seems to make for a longer riding saddle. Once I have the seat cut to where I want it (based upon what I have gathered from the owner) I fill in the tail bone relief with a small piece of memory foam and then cover (glue) the entire seat section with another 1" layer of memory foam. The memory foam is unlike a standard foam whose resistence is linear, but compresses to almost nothing where there is pressure and rises back up where there is no pressure. Oh, but before I do any of this, I smooth out any of the cuts made to the foam with a low speed rotary grinder with a coarse sanding wheel. Then all that is left is to fit the cover back on (and glue the seat section if needed) and staple the cover back on with a pneumatic stapler.


I've been retired now for 3 years and for something to do with my spare time, I have started working on other close friends bikes and seats. The folks that I have been riding with gave me the name of "Bike Butler" and after I recently fixed several sport touring seats, I got the name of "Butt Butler". Now after all of the forks springs I have replaced in the last year, I'm starting to feel like the "Fork Butler". After all of these years of having a last name that has been commonly referred to "He did it", I'm starting to have fun with the name Butler :)


But seriously I will modify any of the Venture, RSV and RSTD seats for $30 for the driver seat and $50 to also include the passenger, plus shipping back to you. And in most cases I will have your seat headed back to you within a week.


There you have it,



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