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Hanging fuel cell for Garage ceiling

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:sign yeah that:

I was working on a fourwheeler a few years ago and needed the tank off also. In stead of using a plastic pop bottle I used a plastic water bottle, rinsed it out with a bit of gas, drilled a hole in the lid smaller than the fuel tubing (the tubing squeezed through the smaller hole sealed without any problems), filled it with gas, screwed the lid/hose onto it and flipped it upside down on the frame, poked a small hole in the bottom of the bottle (upside down it's now the top) so the fuel would vent. 20 oz of fuel runs a surprisingly long time......drove it all around the back of the house that way while I was testing my handy work. Like said above, to refill the bottle, stick a piece of electrical tape over the hole and hold the bottle with your finger on the tape, then remove the tape when you put the bottle upside down. When done throw the bottle in the trash........Unless you just want a fuel bag hanging from the ceiling all the time....:innocent-emoticon:

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  • 3 months later...
Hey, there are some on the market. This is the "Poor Man" forum, I thought you were looking for a home solution. :)


Here are a couple of examples available on the retail market.




Lol Wow. That cannot be cheap. I dont think that some of the ideas in this thread are completely safe though... Keep an extinguisher near by :x

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