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Riding Season is Back!


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And what season is that? Wrist-in-one-piece season.


I'll let my photos explain how I've spent the last three months after an unfortunate two-wheeled accident at Whistler Mountain Bike Park. Suffice to say, I'm doing much better now that I'm on the Venture again.


Brothers and Sisters, Rejoice! For today, we ride!



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Yeah, that wheel should buff out nicely Yammer.


And thanks Peggy, I'm definitely enjoying it.


You know, I thought the photos would tell a story, but now I realize it just looks like a bad acid trip.


So let me help with a summary:


It's summer time and Trond is happy.

He rides his motorcycle.

He rides his mountainbike.

He crashes his mountainbike.

He stays home to heal for two months and goes nuts.

The cast comes off.

Soon Trond rides again and is happy.

So is his wife.


the end

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boy you healed fast.

i had to miss the whole riding season last year due to a similar injury when i came off my venture to smell the wild flowers at the side of the road at a sharp corner.

do not rush into it though.....i would give it a little more time to get stronger.


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