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We have a new member who.....


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We have a new member that lives in AZ at the moment. He's here till January from Taiwan and is interested in getting some riding in out that way. So if any of our folks out there can meet up with him it would be great. His name is Tony Lin I didn't see if he had a phone number listed but I'm sure if he's interested in riding he'll be back on the site so you could just pm him. He also wants to know about joining a yamaha motorcycle club even though he'll only be here for a short time. I don't know how that works so if someone could help him with that as well that would be great.



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Well Mini....He did join a Yamaha club :) Atleast the only one that really counts :whistling:

I am assuming that you have been in contact with him? I'm wondering if he has a scoot to be able to ride. I'm sure we could twist some arms in that area to maybe have a Meet and Eat :confused24:

I'll work on getting ahold of him and see what his stay is looking like. Thanks for stepping up and putting forth the effort to help him out :happy34:

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More details. AZ is a big state; where and when does He want to meet;and half way or what meet? Yuma is a day trip for a turn around for me. Any further is a weekend. If he wants to travel I am in San Diego and Southern AZ is doeable, Northern AZ this time of year not so much. Rod

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He mentioned Pheonix so I'm making the assumption that's where he's at. He posted this info in chat and nobody was in there with him. I figured if I didn't post it here nobody would ever know. So I thought I'd help out.


This is his profile it doesn't say where in AZ he is.



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