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In honor of Leslie for ‘All’ our beloved fallen...


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You know I have thought hard on this and I'm not a great one at organizing anything but this is something I believe we should try ...how ..not sure ..but I think if the public knew that we are ....grandfathers ..mothers ...teachers ..students ...fathers ...mothers ....police...doctors ...everyday people that just enjoy riding ...this may get though to some to watch out a little more for us ....but I believe we have to educate ourselfs first and foremost not to trust traffic and use our instincts ...You know even if just few get the message ...wouldn't it be worth it??

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I enjoy riding and talk about my riding with any one that will listen. I also try to listen to what they say about bikers. The complaints I hear about most are not about the big bikes, lets be honest here most of the owners of cruisers and touring bikes are older and have had the poop scared out of them enough to ride quite defensively. No, the complaints I hear most about are the young bloods riding the crotch rockets.


Their high speed driving, wheelie popping down the interstate, cutting back and forth like a sewing machine and riding between cars in traffic scares the cagers. Hell I've almost been taken out twice by this sort of driving by them when I was on my bike. This type of riding reflects on all bikers and makes many cagers resentful towards all bikes.


So how do we break this image? What do YOU do to help change this? Have YOU taken the time to talk with a young rider about this type of riding? Do YOU encourage your local dealers to include riding courses as part of the purchase of a new bike? Do the local riding groups YOU participate in actively encourage safe riding conversations with these young riders? When YOU see young riders riding in an aggressive or dangerous way and the opportunity arises to speak to them do you pass on the opportunity, rip them a new one or calmly discuss it with them?


In order to increase our odds of being respected when on the road we each must do our part for the over all biking community. I am reminded of a an aviation saying that I will modify a bit


"There are Old Riders and there are Bold Riders but there are no Old Bold Riders."


What are YOU doing to help the young riders become old riders? We all like to participate in big events but it is our daily actions that will have the necessary affect over the long run.


Just my :2cents:

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How about starting a Motorcycle Safety Awareness Campaign and Ride?


I think it is a good idea in that anything we can do to improve safety and awareness is good.

I'd also suggest a pro active approach to contact state legislators to try and increase the training and requirements for obtaining a drivers license. Including information in the booklets and including test questions related to motorcycles would be a good start. For instance, the following distance behind a motorcycle. Many drivers have no idea how fast a motorcycle can stop, and need to adjust their driving distance accordingly.


The bottom line is that getting a driving license is much too easy and contributes to the overall problem on the roads. So further education and testing by the state (to include the aforementioned motorcycle info) would be a step in the right direction.

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  • 1 year later...

Some good Ideas here. But you cannot fix STUPID. I have been hit twice in the last few years and both were HIGH. And both got away with it. Both time these accidents were investigated by Sheriff's Departments. While we have some fine Deputies out there if you are in a accident and are able insist on having the State Police there.

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