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Officially Old


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I am now officially an old timer. I will be getting two, count 'em, two hearing aides from the VA on 6/28. I guess the years in the artillery finally caught up to me. Maybe now I will be able to hear what my son is talking about regarding the brakes squeeking on Doreen's van.


To al those going to Don's MD, have fun and watch out for yourselves, nobody else on the road will!!



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Well, welcome to the club. I have had 2 hearing aids for over 5 years. Be prepared to return for adjustments to the aids. It took about 3 return trips for me to get them as good as possible. No matter how good they get the adjusted the will never completely replace normal hearing. I found the best for me was to have a volumn controll on the aids so I could increase or decrease volumn when needed. All the ads about auto adjustment to what ever enviorment you go in never worked for me. Just wasted money on these hi priced aids.


Oh and be sure and take them off when you ride. I lost one of mine. $1500 boo boo


Good luck and hope they work well for you

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Ask them about a blue tooth device for your hearing aids. Talking on a cell phone with them is pretty dicey, even if you do have a phone certified for hearing aids. The VA hooked me up with one and it works great.


I always wear my hearing aids when I ride and have never had an issue with them. I wear a 3/4 helmet though. I can see where a half helmet could be a problem though.

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From one old gunner to another....have fun with the ears! I cant wear mine while riding as the noise is too much for me. But it is nice to hear again.


Fired a few indirect fire missions myself in my day. Grafenwohr Germany, Fort Lewis Washington, plus all the Canadian ranges.

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VA never questioned me about combat experience. My Active Duty time was June 1977 to April 1979 with a medical discharge. Maybe it is because I am rated at 40% disabled? When did you last have a hearing check? The audiologist told me that they have changed the criteria in the last couple of years. Try it again sometime.


VA told me I couldn't prove mine was combat related so they ain't paying!!!



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