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another name that noise?


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I've been reading about a couple other noises and it got me thinking about my 06 RSTD and the kind of honking noise it makes when its iding higher than normal cold with the choke half on. It has a kind of rythem and is not there once I shut the choke off and its at a normal rpm. Any ideas?

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Maybe you got a Canada Goose stuck in yer air filter?

Sorry, just couldn't resist.

Seriously, can you approximate the location of the "honking"? Maybe in the air intake track or the filters. Just throwing darts here. I have never noticed any strange noise in mine when the choke knob is pulled.


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Could be a goose in there somewhere hiding. Otherwise its kind of hard to pinpoint but I'd say its in the air intake system somewhere. Its not a mechanical kind of noise, if I pull in the clutch it doesn't make any difference. Its not that noticable or worrisome just curious to what it could be.

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