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Removed Trunk


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Today I removed the trunk, etc from my RSV. Yamahamer was a big help getting me headed down the right path. I like the looks and REALLY like the way it handles now. Only electronics I lost was the CB which I don't use anyway. All in all I'm happy with the way it turned out. Now to figure how to get rid of the wires and brackets under the seat so I can make it a solo bike like I had my RSTD. Thanks Mark for guidance, you saved me a lot of headache.

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Which way does the passenger face??? :think:


Hey, the guy in my club looking for a RSTD test rode your old one in Sumter.

He went home to think about it (don't know why) and someone bought it a half hour later. Ain't that the way it goes.:bawling:

It was a good bike, he may have missed a good deal. The passenger can face either way she wants to...sidesaddle even.

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The passenger seat would be off BUT....have you ever seen the crap on top of the RSV rear fender? It's not clean like an RSTD...spot welded brackets all over the thing. So...until I can do something about it the passenger seat has to stay on.

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So why get rid of the RSTD, when you are turning the RSV into a RSTD? :confused24:


I asked myself the same question today. I told myself that I should have kept the RSTD and bought a fairing. It would have been about 6,ooo bucks cheaper. Live and learn....it's only money.

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Looks like your trying to build a "YamaKing"!!! :witch_brew:

Looks good though; nice lines.


I had a YamaKing for a while after I crashed on the Dragon.

Here is a picture from the rear, don't think I have any others.



Edited by 86er
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