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trip to hub in 2 weeks

Snarley Bill

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several of us are going to meet at the hub in arkansas where the international rally will be held. we will be meeting there saturday may 23, for brunch. so far, colesgrampa, dooder1, wildhair, and i are going. if any one else is interested let me know you may hook up and ride with me or one of the other guys. i will be leaving the st. louis area about 5:30 am may 23, and coming back the same day. last time we did this last fall we had a great time. bill :welcome1:

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several of us are going to meet at the hub in arkansas where the international rally will be held. we will be meeting there saturday may 23, for brunch. so far, colesgrampa, dooder1, wildhair, and i are going. if any one else is interested let me know you may hook up and ride with me or one of the other guys. i will be leaving the st. louis area about 5:30 am may 23, and coming back the same day. last time we did this last fall we had a great time. bill :welcome1:


If the weather is decent I'll try to run up and meet you guys at the Hub. What time are you calculating for "brunch?"


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hi bill

i will be there also, all ready have a room for saturday night. i will be coming up friday the 22. will see ya'll there.

best reguards

don c.

this is getting serious. it could turn in to a meet. i may just stay overnight. last time the butt got a little sore about half way home. just decided to stay overnight. then i can check out the accommodations. hey gunboat. we can sit around and chew the fat. bill :2133:
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I justed talked to Randall at the Hub, reservation set for Saturday 23 . So I will be heading out Friday morning taking my time and enjoy myself, stop over night along the way. Then meet up with everyone Saturday. Then take the long way home since I'm off on Memorial day.



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Wish I could make it, but we already have reservations in Fredericksburg that weekend. They are having the 160th birthday for Luckenbach and a cajun cook off in Fredericksburg. But, we have our reservations for August.

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Yeah, wish things had worked out better last time. Anytime you are that close to me and have trouble, let me know. If I had known you all didn't have proper clothing and needed tools, we would have brought them to you.


We will be in Harrison in August. Be good to meet up with you and the others.

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thanks jerry if my son hadn't been with me i woud have made it to your house. he can't take the cold, i can. wasn't that bad for me. but all and all was a good ride, even with the troubles he had. got to spend some riding time with my son. been telling him he needs a tourning bike but he's a jesse james type. but i love him all the same. we haven't always been this close. best reguards

don c.

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We will be at the Hub in the afternoon on Saturday. We will miss the Lunch

We will be there for sure!!.

Peg is going to the Doctor on Monday to get her back checked out, Her back is still bothering her some. The Venture is to hard on her back so she will no longer be riding the Venture. We will be in Tipton MO. early Saturday morning picking up our new touring ride. Once I seal the deal we will go straight to the Hub and meet up with you guys.

Peg is more excited than me, she loves the ride and it wont break our wallet either So I won't need two full time jobs to keep it..


Blue 2001 Gold Wing GL1800 ABS

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We will be at the Hub in the afternoon on Saturday. We will miss the Lunch

We will be there for sure!!.

Peg is going to the Doctor on Monday to get her back checked out, Her back is still bothering her some. The Venture is to hard on her back so she will no longer be riding the Venture. We will be in Tipton MO. early Saturday morning picking up our new touring ride. Once I seal the deal we will go straight to the Hub and meet up with you guys.

Peg is more excited than me, she loves the ride and it wont break our wallet either So I won't need two full time jobs to keep it..


Blue 2001 Gold Wing GL1800 ABS


Purty! Keeping the RSV too I assume, or do I get to buy it back? :whistling:

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buddy the wing looks good, sounds like you got a deal. looking forward to meeting you and peg.

don c. :thumbsup:


It will be nice seeing you again Don, Since the last get together was in McKinney TX. Peg & I should be at the Hub around 2-3pm Saturday if not sooner.


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Phil and I are coming too! Our schedule this year keeps us away from a lot of events, but we are planning to come and join the group at the Hub on the 23rd. We may not be there by lunch - so don't wait for us, but we will be there as soon as we can make it.

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hi bill i will now have my daughter sarah with me for the trip. this way she can see what we will have to work with at & around the hub. see ya next weekend. lowell looks like i'll be leaving houston a little later now that sarah is comeing with me. are you still going to be home? or you going to ride on out? i guess your still going to the hub.

best reguards

don c.

Edited by gunboat
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hi bill i will now have my daughter sarah with me for the trip. this way she can what we will have to work with at & around the hub. see ya next weekend. lowell looks like i'll be leaving houston a little later now that sarah is comeing with me. are you still going to be home? or you going to ride on out? i guess your still going to the hub.

best reguards

don c.

plan on riding up with you,could come up a day early,spend the nite,bout 350 mls from here,i fix a mean bowl of gravy,egges,toast



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