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Great price on HJC Symax II and free shipping.

Guest Shep

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I've had one for 6-8 months now. It is definitely a tighter fit that my original Symax and took a while to break-in. You can buy the cheek pads from a larger size and I would recommened it if it feels too tight when you get it. Mine if an XL and really needs XXL cheek pads.


The integrated glasses are cool and just so you know, they will go down farther than the first stop if you keep you finger on the release button and push the slider down some more.


My mouth hits to chin bar and it didn't on my original. :think: I like the helmet and it's certainly worth the $$ but I think my next flip-up helmet may be one with integrated Bluetooth. My Scala Rider microphone won't reach to the front of my mouth due to the flip-up design on this one. However, I bet the stock intercom would work fine.

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