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Posts posted by gunkylump

  1. While on vacation this past September, we encountered lunchbag letdown in some of the hotels we stayed at in regards to internet usage. Or in other words, we had to pay for internet time, while anyone with a wi-fi set up was good to go...FREE.


    You've already gathered I am of Scottish descent.


    Sooooo, we decided that we should purchase a laptop for our next vacation, amongst other uses.


    Time to pick your brains a bit, as I am also a wee bit lazy as well


    What size laptop fits in the trunk of a second gen? Is the trunk the best place to carry it, or in a saddlebag better? I seem to remember Kregerdoodle mentioning that a 15" is all that would fit in the trunk....I think...it seems like a lifetime ago that we were in Texas.


    Any experience with this out there?





  2. Have a happy Thanksgiving to all my friends south of the ditch!


    Just to let you know....the bike's winterized and put away, and the sled dawgs are just rip snortin' ready to go!



    Enjoy your old dead bird, and have some extra stuffing and sweet potatoes for me!



  3. Santa Claus....is not too far away.....and I was wondering if I should maybe sell my 550 and replace it with a 665. The xm radio and lane indicators are really very attractive to me...but....is it worth the extra$$$?


    Maybe members who have owned/used both could give me some insight as to their thoughts on the good/bad/ugly between the two gps's?


    How much is the xm subscription? How is the reception out in the "boonies" Does the lane indicator work well? on a 6 lane freeway for instance......


    Where did you install the xm antennae? Can you install it inside the fairing?


    What's my 2 year old 550 worth? Will the 550 cradle mount(Ram mount) work for the 665?


    Thanks for your insights.....


    gunk:mo money:

  4. Yep, about 15 miles gunk.

    Thanks T.J.


    I bought a passenger seat and floorboards with mounts from them for the royal star years ago...there was a big kid working there, they called him Flipper....his feet were the biggest I've ever seen! He had a royal star all done up...or was it a V-max, he used to play with it.....light to light he said he was faster than a 'busa....must have tucked those feet in behind something, cause they'd be worse than 10 ton anchors they were so big.



  5. You might want to keep in mind a heavy equipment dealer/service center. Most if not all the air filters have a stainless steel screen on the outside. They just throw the old filters out when they change them. The screen would be easy to cut to you desired size and shape.



  6. Don't be screwing around with the ice cream manufacturers Big Tom....we won't stand for it!! Leave the good stuff alone, we all need it, want it....and will quickly become cantankerous and probably verbally abusive if you go that route. Hang in there, spring is just around the corner....only 5 shooooooooooooort months or so. Go walk the dog.....wax your eavestroughs.....buy some ice melter.......wax your snow shovels......do SOMETHING....but leave the ice cream alone!



  7. Wal-Mart - $13.69 Canadian Tire - $15.99


    Here in Ontario, it's a lot cheaper to buy Mobil 1 Synthetic MX-4T at Wally World....quite a significant difference in fact.


    I like the Mobil 1 oil, and this is the cheapest that I've been able to get it here. Not sure about pricing in the USA, but that's what we're paying here.



  8. That product just isn't available here in Ontario any longer. I have searched, inquired, moaned and groaned...but it just isn't to be found. It is the BEST that I have ever used. Buy lots of filters and wash liquid just in case the same happens to you as well!


    Dang, I miss that stuff!



  9. I'd like to tell y'all about "Gunkylump"...by the way, that's only the given name, the surname can't be posted here.....a wee ways back in time to my high school days....


    Like I said, I'd like to tell ya...but I can't post it here....it is a family forum.....



  10. Hi Mike:


    You may not remember me, but we met at Haugen's one night a couple of years ago. Replacing the shock is not as hard as it seems, IBents and myself did one here in the garage a couple of months ago for another Venture rider and it took just over an hour. You're not that far away, you could ride over one day this fall or next spring and I'd be glad to help you change it out.


    BTW, the shock on my 04 went under warranty, and was replaced by Yamaha.



  11. Hello Humbucker, and welcome to the site!


    A friend of mine out in Osoyoos, B.C. has over 270,000 k's on his bike. He has always rode two up, and pulls a pop up tent trailer as well. No burning of oil, no lack of power...and just regular maintenance, brakes, fluids etc.


    I have over 104,000 k's on mine, almost every K riding two up....and it runs better than new thanks to this site and the knowledge that is here.


    So...what's too high? I don't know....depends on the $$$$ for the bike.



  12. Please excuse my lack of technical expertise with terminology, but..


    It sounds to me like one of the "wishbones" that move inside the tranny...or wherever in there, they move the linkages to change gears....is either loose or bent. Doesn't sound like it has fallen off or broken just yet.


    I had that issue with my 96 royal star, and the dealer had to open it up and change out a "wishbone" which had broken. The tricky part was finding all the broken pieces.


    I'm pretty sure there is a write up in the tech section on this.



  13. I call Beth cucpcake all the time......and last year on her annual pilgrimage to Michigan for shopping weekend with the girls, she spotted that wine.


    She brought a bottle home, and I must say, it really is quite good, great price, nice legs, the wine, the wine....good aftertaste.....nice color.....well worth purchasing.



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