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Posts posted by gunkylump

  1. Hang in there Beer.....it's a tough one to take for sure. The father is going to have it a lot rougher.


    Kudos to you for stopping and assisting....as you said, a lot of people just kept on going. I shudder to think of what could have occurred at the scene had you not stopped and assisted as you did.


    Focus on the good that you did tonight my friend, and try to dismiss the rest. My thoughts are with you and the good that you did tonight.



  2. Beth and I both have J+M headsets for our half helmets. I forget the model #, but they install by slipping them in between the liner and the shell of the helmet. This year we installed the mic-mutes, and I love them. We have the show krome windshield on the bike, so Beth experiences quite a bit of buffeting and wind noise.


    The speakers cover our ears very well, and we both experience some heat issues and are generally not happy with the speaker quality. So, to get to my question...


    Can I adapt a set of ear buds to replace the speakers? If so...how do I do it? By doing so, we can rid ourselves of the heat issue in the warm weather...(we really noticed it on our last vacation ride to Texas), and improve the sound quality at the same time.


    I'm a novice at this type of retro fitting...so some very plain instructions would really be appreciated.


    Thanks in advance.



  3. Beth and I had made plans to attend, but we now have two boats coming in to load....so I'll be working all weekend.


    There's good and bad in that....the money is nice, but it would be nice to have a weekend off as well. I'm on midnites this week and next, so throw the weekend in with it, and that's 12 midnites in a row.....I'm NOT a midnite type person. Don't sleep worth a dang, by the end of next week I'll be as ornery as a bear with a backside full of rocksalt!


    Oh well, I'll have next weekend off for sure, I've put in for a vacation do so that I can have our Canadian Thanksgiving off.



  4. Just an update on this project.:)


    I dropped off the shock from Ian's bike about two weeks ago to Gabriel. The morning I was there, four Engineers had their hands on that shock. They were very interested.


    They also found, before I left, why the oil had leaked out - a score in the ram under the boot. They explained to me that, with this design, the load spring built inside the shock causes side load and any dirt that gets caught up inside the boot may cause the scoring on the ram.


    I also sent them the pictures and the write up from Rick Butler on our shocks.


    I talked with the Engineer this week to see if he needed any more from me. He stated that he has a guy doing some research on this shock to see what they can come up with. I may have to take my bike down to them so they can do a further study.


    So far they are looking at three options.


    I will keep you all posted when I find out anything. I deal with this company on a regular basis and will ask from time to time how they are doing.


    They may say no, they may say yes we have something.


    Thanks for your efforts T. J.! Without your initiative, Gabriel probably would never have even considered this.



  5. I'm back to work on midnites starting tonite Gary. Perhaps one night this week.....we'll see what the weather does. Speaking of which, if it's nice on Thursday we'll be heading over to the Rock in Essex as soon as Beth gets home from work. I might have the bike washed by then



  6. Well, we're home. Covered a lot of ground, experienced some great sites, survived "shebad", also known as Hermean....Hermine.....that storm!


    General Patton's museum, Graceland, Beale Street, the Alamo, Riverwalk, Tower of the Americas, Savannah, and the list goes on and on.


    So, officially, the Flat @ss Tour of 2010 is over! Just over 4,000 miles, 15 great days, and really only about 24 hours of rain. No complaints about that! Experienced a Texas cold spell, it was only in the 90's......


    Thanks to those that joined us on the tour for awhile, we appreciated the company big time!


    gunk and beth:big-grin-emoticon:

  7. We're in Bristol, Tennessee now. Just beat the big time rain, even though it's cleared up now. Rode some real, big time twisties today....421 to Shady Valley between Boone and Bristol has been one of my favorites since last year. We rode some other roads today that Beth found on the Madmap and I'll tell you, I was sweating from working so hard. Gonna miss these rides when we get home and complete the flat @ss tour 2010.


    Geez, Charlotte, Bristol.....Nascar shops all over the place! Neat. Tomorrow, we'll take a run through Cumberland Pass on our way north......hole up in Ohio somewhere tomorrow night, probably Fairfield so that we can visit Jungle Jim's before hitting the border on Saturday. It's been a slice!


    Ponch and Squidley, make sure you p.m. me your mailing addresses so that I can send those neck wraps to you please.



  8. Well...we left Savannah this morning, and headed north. Up to Myrtle Beach, and it "warmed up" big time. From Myrtle Beach, we headed north west, and ended up in Rock Hill, North Carolina. Kind of a round a bout movement, but some terrific roads, fresh seafood for lunch....not a high mileage day but nice!


    Tomorrow, we head off to Shady Valley Tennessee, and ride the Snake. We rode part of it last year, and want to do the entire ride this year. No sense getting home too early! The ride has been great so far......only used the Stebel horn 3x.....the folks we've hooooooooked up with have been awesome, roads and scenery 2nd to none, sampled some good beers and great wines...this really has been one trip to remember! We're already looking at going to the Black Hills next year...I've always wanted to see Deadwood and Mt. Rushmore, Spearfish etc. Hopefully, it works out for us and we can "git 'r done"


    Bedtime for this old coot, a wee bit tired.....heck, we're still :sun1:pretty much newlyweds ya know!;)



  9. Gary these are Kinda like my vacations as well. Guess that what happens when you got to get back to work. :crying:




    No Brad, you're right....she said snow...you only mentioned jackets......either or ....not what we're looking forward to...heck, next thing you know, we'll be in Kitchener for the winter meet and eat...and shivering!


    gunk:Im not listening to

  10. Randy, you call this a vacation? Sounds more like a marathon to me. Don't know if I'd be able to keep up with guys.


    We kind of like rabbits...go like the dickens.....then rest up for a couple of days so to speak. Not leaving Savannah until Wednesday morning, then we'll "meander" back home.


    It's only 3,000 miles so far Gary...10 days....10 states.....not a difficult run at all!



  11. That's too funny, one of the SCRC members mentioned snow...she say's it's the only part of Mother Nature we haven't encountered.....now you with jackets....I don't want to go back to that stuff!


    We're in Savannah, Georgia now.....we'll be here for the rest of today and tomorrow, then head north, back to the dog team and parkas


    It's been one heck of a trip so far...and I did buy my new boots in Texas....which is why we went there!;)



  12. Well.....we made it safely through 4 states today, count 'em, 4! We left Texas, poked through Louisiana like a herd of turtles, slid through Mississippi like a fat kid on a water slide, and then rambled through Alabama in a way that Lynryd Skynryd would have been proud to motor on with us!


    A little better than 600 miles to Greenville, Alabama. The flat @ss tour of 2010 really took on a new meaning today....and it's a DRY county on a Sunday? What the? Good thing I had packed some beer, coolers and a bottle of wine in the saddlebag in Texas before we left. Just cuz' I have perpetual coon eyes don't mean I'm dumb you know!


    It was a hot one, but we made it this far. We'll get to Savannah tomorrow sometime, spend a couple of days there, and then make the trip north back to reality starting early Thursday morning.


    We had a great time in Texas, hooking up with old friends and meeting new ones is always tops on our list.:smile5:


  13. Hey Kreger....doooooodle!


    The pleasure was all ours! We'll get an early start this morning, and put on some miles on our way to Savannah.


    Yesterday was a great day...albeit a wee bit on the warm side for us! The "coon eyes" arent' going away just yet.


    Hopefully Brad and Lonna's air conditioner was repaired before the end of the day. We both hope to see you folks up north at some point in time. We can show you around our flat lands!



  14. We would go for dinner but it might take a while for us to get there and the soup would be cold, so not this time. Glad to hear from you guys, was starting to wonder where you got to, good to know you found a decent hotel, Hamptons are always good. Enjoy the rest of your trip.


    Pat & Ian

    Hey Ian:


    Say 'ello to Pat for us! Glad to hear that the old defunct shock made it into T.J.'s hands! We're leaving Tomball in the morning, and booting it across to Savannah, Georgia, good Lord willing and the creek's don't rise. It's been GREAT so far.....the only downside is that I have to go back to work on midnites next Sunday night...dang! Thanks to all for thinking about us, we'll make sure that we stay in places of overnight abode with internet access so that you'll know where the heck we are and what the heck we're doing!



  15. We enjoyed a nice steak or two w/Randy & Beth tonight. Good to see you guys.








    We had the best steak last night that I can remember....Ponch and L'il Bit sure know where the hot spots are.


    Today we rode around the Houston/Tomball area...and in Mont....Montgomery...or was it Montrose??? the bike surpassed 100,000 k's...not bad for an 04 from Canada. We had a great ride, saw some beautiful country......and guess what? We even got to see Brad and Lonna.....and met up with Ol' School as well.


    This trip has been really GREAT so far.....the best part to me has been meeting up with old friends, and meeting new ones as well! You meet the nicest people when you go out for a ride! We've put on almost 2,000 miles so far, the bike is runnnnnnnnning great(dang dyslexic finger), the weather really hasn't been all that bad, we've seen some great country, reviewed some very interesting American history, and didn't have to shower for 3 full days thanks to "shebad", or as the newspeople call it....Her...mean..er...mine...well, whatever.


    Kregerdoodle...when your day of reckoning arrives....I sure hope there are a lot of pictures....you da' man! All you Texans need to get passports and come visit us, we have 3 empty bedrooms, and two couches..and a bathtub that can all be used! Or abused


    Tomorrow, bright and early, we're off to Savannah, Georgia. The talk at the dinner table today pretty much convinced us to just boot right through and catch up with New Orleans when we can take the time and $$$ to fly down. Enough said.


    Once again, thanks to our Texas...er...Texan friends, and our transplanted Mich/Texas friends, and if we don't see you before, we hope to see "y'all" at maintenance day in Ohio next year!


    Hey Boomer CPO....if you happen to read this...and you're not toooo busy washing the oil off of....ummm... whatever?whomever it is you're washing oil off of these days....where the heck are you and are we gonna get a quick visit in or are you toooooooooooo busy.....mebbe gone up to Vegasland and having a right reverend Elvis hitching you up along with the pack of pygmies as witnesses? Huh? Where you at? Who dat?


    Tomball...we're heading east...Georgia...here we come! And we'll hunker down in Hampton Inn's or somewhere we don't have to pay out of pocket for the internet so y'all will know that Beth is doing just fine



  16. IF you guys have a M&E Sunday on this side of Houston let me know..Id like to make it but this was too short for me. Looks like surgery is coming on my back so to heck with it,back isnt hurting but arm is so I can still ride a bit right now. DONT PLAN ANYTHING SPECIAL as It all depends how much nerve pain is in my arm in the morning. Tom




    Ponch was tellling me that Beth and I were in your back yard yesterday...we've told everyone back home we had to go to Texas so that I could get a new pair of boots...which we did in San Marcos. I wish to heck I'd known that you live so close to San Marcos..we would have dropped in on you. We will catch up to you next time...we're not sure when, but we will be coming back.



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